Chapter 29 : Awaken from depression (past)

Start from the beginning

Ramune's P.O.V

Ramune sat there for a bit letting the word's sunk in. the sun was now gone and the moon was raising. "Blaze I'm not as strong as everyone thinks i am...sure i can fight and stand my ground but...i.i can't take this pain i feel" Ramune felt his eye's starting to water up. "....Blaze you have k.know idea w.what I'm going through!" Blaze noded "your right i don't know...but I'm willing to help in anyway Ramune...." Ramune stopped and glanced at Blaze to see that the flareon was getting upset and had a few tears in his eye's 'Blaze...he doesn't need this all i have ever done was be mean to him just because he was king...and now that I'm in pain...' Ramune frowns but is able to calm down "...Blaze thanks for being here...but you shouldn't...Blaze i do care and your my brother but i honestly want to be alone" Ramune looked the other way after. "...Alright but please Ramune come and talk to me anytime a-and just don't do anything stupid" Blaze said. Ramune smiles a sad one "no warries" he mumbles and Blaze walked away. Ramune looked at the water 'huuuh i sue to swim with her....i still can't believe she would betray me like this....i.i can't believe she's dead' Ramune jumpped into the water to swim to his den.
Ramune lay down in his beding and closed his eye's to sleep.


The next day Ramune got up late and swim around for a bit lost in thought. Ramune caught some pray and swim tobthe surface of the water and sat down to eat. 'huh i guess I'll have to get used to eating alone'
Ramune sat up after and headed out for a walk.
He walked through the forest, it seem really quite that day and Ramune could only think of his lost love even though he knew she did not love him back.
'Huh...Blaze's right maybe i should go see him today i.i gotta get away from this sorrow' Ramune started to head towards tje palace but stopped wben he heared a yell of terror "AHHHH!!"
Ramune shot a glance towerds the and with out hesitation he darted fowerd not caring if it maybe something really life threatening 'Someone is in trouble!... I gotta help them!' Ramune was running at full speed the fastest he has ever pushed himself to go. He soon came to a stop and his glare was meet my soul's the ninetales the one who had killed his father in the bloody war.
Soul had a leafeon pind to the ground with exstream burn marks all over his body "S.soul...What are you doing here in everfree forest! You lost the battle" Ramune growls but soul just smirks "Oh Ramune... Alway to be in his brother's shadow huh" Soul said in his slik voice Ramune shoock his head knowing soul was trying to bring out that part of him "No soul no... Let that leafeon go!" Ramune snapped feeling clolaws slide out soul glared at the helpless leafeon trying to free himself "hmm no i need to make a move....but Ramune i could use your help after all i need a water type to kill the king right" Ramune froze in places remembering his dream the one he had the day Julia tryed to kill Him and Blaze. Ramune frowns 'was it a sign that i would help him? it was a warning that soul would try'
Ramune shoock his head and used hydro pump and Soul was knocked off of the leafeon "oh Soul this time I'll end you!" Ramune spat as he changed at him but then he was hit by a thunder bolt to his surprise he fall but got up again to look around to see who did so but no one was in sight just Soul but he ran away before he could attack 'grrr Soul I'll kill you if it's the last thing i do'
"...." Ramune turned gis back away and glanced warriedly at the leafeon "Sir are you alright?" Ramune asked as he help him up the leafeon seemed to be shacky "y.yes....thanks" he said with a thankful smile. Ramune smiled back "well I'm glad....but those burns look bad maybe you should come with me i have a place you could rest at" he said but the leafeon soon frowns "uh right....i actually have to get going my brother will be warried if i don't get back to him" Ramune. Twitch his tail "oh....alright bye and be safe" The leafeon took off and lefted Ramune watched then he headed back to the palace 'i sure hope that leafeon will be alright'

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