Chapter Twenty-One: Planning

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Peter's POV

Okay, so what am I going to do? I'm stuck in an unknown location, where there are no windows that I can see. I don't know how my child is doing. My stomach should be bigger since I'm around two months now, but it's definitely not as big as it should be, and that is making me scared. I don't want anything to happen to her. 

They're really big idiots, so maybe they left my door unlocked. I go to the door and try to twist the nob, but it doesn't work. Fuck! I guess they're not as stupid as I thought they were. Bummer. 

I start looking for things I might possibly need. I look under the bed, in the drawer, the bathroom, and in the cupboard. I didn't find much. I found a bobby pin and some string...fuck. I'm screwed. 

I hear a knock at the door and put the things in my pocket. Jasper walks in with some food. I thought I just ate though? I look at the clock on the bedside table and it says it's around 6:00. Really? Was I talking with Jake and looking for things that long?! And why do they have a clock in here? Wouldn't they not want me to know the time? Or give me any form of possible communication. 

"Oh! I thought you went to bed?" 


"Oh, I did. I just had to use the bathroom." Thank goddess that the bed sheets are still unmade from when I was sleeping a few hours ago. 

"Okay. I brought some food. You and your little one must be hungry." 

My stomach growls just has he said that, and I blush. "Yeah, maybe a bit." 

I take the food from him and sit on my bed, just then a woman comes in. She has a gorgeous face. Her yes are so pretty! The combination of blue and purple, if that's possible. 

"Jasper Cornelius Abbott! Get your fat ass here now and get me some chocolate!" 

I look up at her in surprise. She has a pretty deep voice for a girl, but it suites her. She's also heavily pregnant. 

"Hello to you too, darling." 

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know we had a guest." She looks at me sweetly, then hits Jasper on the arm and mutters to him, "I can't believe you brought another one here! And he's pregnant! For heavens sake Jasper!" She turns to me once again and comes over. "Hello, I'm Sage, Jasper's mate. It's nice to meet you. I'm very terribly sorry about all of this. It's fucking ridiculous. This isn't the first time, but it is with a pregnant omega! I'm fucking furious! You must miss your alpha very much; I'm so sorry. I would get you out if I could, but I can't. Being an omega is not good here, besides for my mate, and it doesn't help that I'm pregnant with twins, so that's not good. I can't believe this is happening to you right now. I'm so sorry!" 

In the middle of her talking she took one of my hands in her's. "Uh...thank you for your concern. It's not your fault at all, so I don't blame you at all. But, uh, could I have my hand back so I can eat please?" I smile at her a little, and she instantly takes her hands off of mine. 

"Yes! Please! I'm very sorry, once again." 

"It's fine. You have a wonderful son, by the way." 

She looks at me surprised. "Oh! Thank you very much. He's a little special, but so is our daughter. Since they were born from two omegas, they have some features that make them a little quirky, but thank goddess they were external and not internal." 

I smile. "When are you due? You look huge." 

"In around a month, but I want them out now! I can't handle it much longer. Jasper, honey, will you go to the store and get me some chocolate?"  

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