Chapter Twelve: This Can't Be Happening

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Peter's POV 

It's been three weeks since my heat started, and I've had no signs of pregnancy at all. Maybe I was worried for nothing? Hopefully. I mean, Maybe the signs are just taking a tad longer for me? Some people don't even know they're pregnant till the second trimester even the third at times! I'm sure I'm just paranoid. 

I sigh and turn to look at my mate. He's so gorgeous, I never want to wake him up, but we have fucking school. Wow, Peter, that was harsh. You don't say the F word a lot. I'm just stressed about everything. School's finally getting to me, and the possible pregnancy isn't making anything better. Life is stupid! 

"Babe, wake up. We need to go to school. I have a test in science, and I can't wait to take it." 

"Go away. What have you done with Peter? You're weird." 

I laugh and look at him fondly. I feel like I've been doing that a lot lately. 

"I'm excited for science. I love the subject, and we're talking about how a certain group of squids mate. It's so cool. At night, they go up to the surface, and the males will look for a proper female to mate with. They grab onto her and their tentacles turn red, then-" 

He grabs me and wraps his arms around me. 

"I can show you how to mate properly." 

He looked at me and grinned, but I just rolled my eyes. 

"Get up. I don't want to miss this test." 

"Ugh! Fine." 

He gets up, and so do I, so we can get dressed. We're in my room, but Jake started leaving some of his clothes in my room, so he has something to wear. He wears some washed out jeans and a T-shirt with tennis shoes. I, on the other hand, don't wear anything different really. Just a pair of leggings and a sweat shirt, which is Jakes, with my Birks. (Totally forgot how to spell Birks, and I'm not going to check because I'm lazy) I love my Birks so much. They're hella expensive though! Like 100$ just for sandals basically! It's ridiculous, but I love them and wouldn't trade them for the world. Today I'm wearing them with my fuzzy panda socks. I love my fuzzy panda socks. 

When I was getting ready, I kept feeling Jake stare at me the whole time. But it wasn't his pervert stare. Yes I know the difference between his stares. It felt like he was concerned. I don't know why though. 

"Have you gotten any symptoms?" 

I shake my head, knowing exactly what he was talking about. 

"Thank goddess I haven't."

"I think I've noticed something." 


Oh goodness! What has he seen about me?

"Well, you've been nesting quite a lot recently. That's why I never go into my room anymore. You built your nest on my bed out of my blankets, pillows, and clothes, and won't let me in their, unless you say it's okay. Peter, you won't let me in my own room. That's nesting. I asked my dad about it, and he said my mom did the same thing really early on in the pregnancy with me." 

I groan. 

"You told you're dad?" 


"Ugh! Jake!" 

"What? He's my dad." 

"Exactly. He's your dad." 

"We're you really not scared to tell your dad you knocked up your mate in our last year of high school?" 

"Not really." 

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