Chapter Two: It's My Birthday!

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What day is it? What time is it? What year is it? I'm so confused. I was up till four in the morning doing 'homework', which was actually just me binge watching my favorite show Supernatural, and reading fan fiction. And it was awesome! 

"Happy Birthday Pete Pete!" Rin burst into my room and jumped on my bed. "I woke up really early this morning so I could make you a big breakfast." 

"What time is it?" I sat up groggily, rubbing away the sleep from my eyes. 

"It's six in the morning!"

"What? Why did you wake me up so early? I usually don't wake up till like 6:30 to 7:00."

"I know, but it's your eighteenth birthday! You can finally find your mate! Aren't you excited?" She was jumping up and down by now. I think I'll just let her be my energy today, because I have none. 

Come on get up! I want to go find our mate! I feel like their close by; I can feel his wolf. 

"So it is a he? Thank goodness I really wanted him to be a he." I sighed, as I told my wolf.

Well duh! You are a boy omega. You'll probably have a male as a mate.

"I have heard of instances when a male omega gets a more dominating female as a mate, so it is possible." I told Jason matter of factly. 

"Stop spacing out, Peter, lets go downstairs and have a big breakfast!" She started running downstairs when she finished her statement. 

I soon followed after her, because I was hungry, and  rarely get to have a meal this big. When I got into the kitchen, I smelled the most sweetest smell ever. It was like the way rain and wet dirt smells like, but it was so intoxicating! 


I walk into the kitchen, and the smell was getting stronger and stronger. And then I saw him, the most beautiful man on earth. He was looking at me too with big brown eyes, that I could just melt into, but I didn't want it to be him. My wolf was yelling at me to get closer to him, and believe me I wanted to, but I just needed a second to prepare myself for the rejection. Where is Rin when you need her? Where is she anyways?

I walk into the kitchen, and he speaks to me. His words sound more kind and like sweet honey.

No don't get distracted don't let him fool you into thinking he wants you. He doesn't love us. My wolf whimpered when I thought that, but I know it's true.

"Peter, I-" 

I didn't let him finish; I couldn't; I shouldn't. I can't let him sweep me away so easily. If it was any one else but him, I would be tackling them with kisses, but it was him. Why, oh why did it have to be the man that always thought so low of me. The one I would wish to go away and shut up, but he never did. He tormented me for years, but now it feels like all of those feelings were never true; like they were never real, but I know that they are. I can't just easily forgive him because he's my mate. 

"Peter, I'm so sorry for all these years. I would have never done any of those things I did if i knew you were my mate. Please say something, anything! I'm so sor-" 

"'s a big surprise for me to find out that the person who has tormented me for years is my mate." I didn't know how to handle the situation. 



"Please don't reject me; it would hurt to much." 

I felt anger boil in me, and I couldn't hold it in. 

"'It would hurt to much?' Are you fucking kidding me? I was hurt to much by you for years! You were horrible to me ever since I first came to this pack! I was five! I was horrified, and you didn't help at all! You were just horrible to me. So now I have to be considerate of your feelings even though youu were never considerate of mine? This is bull shit! Everyone else was nice to me, but my mate? No! He loved being a dick wad to everyone, even his own MATE! I hate you! I don't want you as my ma-" 

I wasn't able to finish my sentence, since Jake pulled me down to his lips. And goddess were they soft. Everything felt so right when I was kissing him, like there are no problems in the world. But I know it can't last, so pulled away.

"See you like my kisses~." He purred at me giving his signature smirk, and damn I wanted to kiss him again. I couldn't though. I can't betray myself and my life for someone else, even if he is my mate. 

"! Get away from me! I don't want to be your ma-" 

He cut me off again, but not with a kiss. He picked me up and flung me over his shoulder. 

"Put me down, right now!" I was so angry right now!

"No." He simply answered, and boy did it make me mad!

"And why the hell not?" 

"Because I don't want you rejecting me."

"Well you're gonna have to get over it, because I don't want you as my mate!" 

And then it happened. The pain hit me like a truck. I have never felt anything like it. I just rejected my mate, well not officially. I just told him I didn't want him. Oh god if it feels this bad already how bad will it feel when he really does reject me? I certainly regret saying that to him now. I fell so horrible. I am a horrible person! I have to say something to him! I have to try and make this right, but that's what he tried to do, and I lashed out on him! It's worth a try. 

"Jake, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it. You can yell and scream at me all you want. Go ahead." 

He never set me on the ground though. 

"Are you okay, Jake? Jake?" 

Before I knew what was happening he was running up stairs to his room. He opened the door and threw me on the bed, then went back to lock the door. I was really scared now. I didn't want him locking the door; it made me feel uncomfortable. 

"Can we please just talk?" he asked desperately.

"Fine. We can talk." 

"Thank you. Listen, I know I have been a gigantic jerk to you since you came to this pack, but that was only because I like you!"

Oh. My. Goddess. 

Does he seriously think he can trick me with the lamest excuse in the book?

"Boy, you are not fooling anyone with that bull shit." 

"I know it sounds cheesy! But it's true! I really do like you." 

"Sure you do." 

"What can I do to make it up to you?" 

I thought about it for a little while and finally came up with my conditions. 

"Rule one: you will stop being mean to me."

"Okay, done." 

"Rule two: You will stop seeing other people."

"Got it."

"And finally rule three: You will not try to mate with me during all of this. I will get my heat very soon, since I met you, so you can not I repeat can not try anything with me, without my consent."

"Okay, easy enough. Thank you for this chance." 

I couldn't help but smile. I mean he is still my mate. 

"You're welcome." 

I get off of his bed and start to walk out. 

"I love you." 

Then he closes the door so fast that I can't even answer. then everything actually goes through my brain. 

I just found my mate. He is willing to do all the things I said, just so I can give him a chance. Then he tells me he loves me. Oh goddess I'm blushing. I'm blushing so hard.  


 Hi! It's Loveliness! I really didn't like writing this chapter, but I felt like it had to happen. Stay pretty!

Loveliness out!

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