Abe looks to Jackson then to me, "Do you think Jamie still has that harpoon crossbow on the plane?"

Jackson nods to Abe, as I look between the two confused, "Why?"

Jackson kisses my cheek, "Don't worry about it, just keep looking for a place to lose the hybrids."

The two run out to the back of the plane and I can hear the cargo bay opening and I rush back to the cargo bay to see Abe hooking Jackson, who is in a harness, to the deck of the cargo bay. I shout to Jackson, "You'd better not be planning on hanging out of this plane."

"Don't worry about it," Jackson calls back.

"Wait until the very last second to shot," Abe calls out. "Now!"

As Jackson shots, he hits the beacon but is pulled to the edge of the bay door. Abe, Dariela, and I all rush to the cable to hold Jackson in. "We got you!" Dariela shouts.

As we try to pull Jackson in, we hear Mitch on the speakers, "Guys, we got a big problem."

Jackson shouts back, "We've got bigger problems."

"You're all gonna have even bigger problems, if I find out my husband falls out of this plane!" I shout.

Thankfully we get Jackson pulled back in and we rush into the lab with the drone and beacon. Dariela walks over to the table, "This is a bad idea. I found the copper wire."

Abe shakes his head, "it has to be insulated. Copper wire will block the signal."

"Well, if you ask me, blocking the signal's exactly what the doctor ordered," I comment.

"No," Abe protest, "If we do that, we have no way of knowing which way the hybrids will fly. They could attack another city."

The phone brings to ring and Dariela walks over to it, "it's Mitch."

As she answers the phone Mitch begins to speak, "Hey, we go a problem."

"Yeah, a big one." Jackson comments. "You attached the beacon to a drone with a bum fuel cylinder. We had to rescue it."

"So where are the hybrids?"

I sigh, "Oh, they're here, trying to bash their way into the plane." I look over to Jackson, "We're going to fly back to Mexico and drop this beacon into the volcano. And the hybrids along with it. We have to make sure to kill them."

"Cool plan provided you get to the volcano before the hybrids get to you."

Jackson sighs, "Yeah, thanks for the vote of confidence. What's the update on Abigail?"

"That's the other thing. Turns out, Logan's a lousy cop. He shot Abigail, but she got away. Oh, and he arrested Jamie."

"What? Why?"

"For murdering the Reiden CEO."

"Leanne Ducovny? She's dead?" Dariela asks.

"Banner day, all things considered. I'm at the precinct now trying to sort it all out. Hey, is Clem with you guys?"

"She's still in New York, Mitch. She went after a part for a truck, and we had to take off." Jackson comments.

"Sounds like she dodged a bullet. I'll track her down. Well, good luck with the suicide mission." Mitch hangs up the phone.

Jackson finally got the battery out of the drone, "we need another battery."

"I'll grab it." Abe heads off.

Once Abe returns Jackson attaches it to the drone, "We are almost there, is it ready?" I turn from the map to the boys.

"I hope so." Jackson nods as we head to the cargo bay.

Once we are there I look down to the GPS, "30 miles out from the volcano."

Jackson nods, "Okay, we only got one shot at this. Wind's at 240 knots."

"Maybe we should wait until we're close enough to the volcano and then just drop it." Abe comments.

"10 miles out."

Jackson nods, "We'd need to weight it down with something about a thousand pounds heavier." We all glance over to Jamie's mustang, "that'll work."

"We better hurry," Dariela comments, before we jump into actions.

Jackson jumps into the car and puts it into neutral and then hops out, "Open the door."

As Dariela opens the door Abe loads the beacon into the trunk and we all get ready to push it out. "Three, two, one."

As the Mustang falls into the volcano the hybrids follow and we all let out a sigh of relief. As we look to each other, I sigh, "I'm not telling Jamie we pushed her Mustang into a volcano."

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