Chapter 13

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Gokudera "Hey! are you really sure 10th is here?"

Dino "Yes, Tsuna is already here with Reborn."

Yamamoto "what do you want us to do here?"

Dino " Reborn want you two to help Tsuna training."

Yamamoto "so that's why we are in mountain."

Gokudera "well, you bring Boss name so I don't have a choice but follow you here."

"Help! I'm going to fall, somebody help me!"

The three people follow the voice and manage to save Tsuna before he fell on the cliff. Unknown to them someone is watching them.

"Kukuku This is going to be fun, right Reborn?"

Reborn "yeah but don't kill them."

"I know, I'm here to help you train them."


Tsuna " Dino where is your subordinate?"

Dino "hm? I give them a vacation, a boss need to treat their subordinates sometimes."

Tsuna (then without his subordinates, today Dino is clumsier than me.)

Dino "what's wrong?"

Tsuna "nothing."

Dino "by the way, where is Reborn?"

Tsuna " I don't know, we separated on the foot of the mountain, he told me to come here by myself , he left me a map but I don't get it."

In the shadow the two is observing them.

" hey Reborn, why did you give Tsuna a Japan map? Not only that you write 'around here' but you can't see even the name of the mountain."

Reborn "don't worry, I put a sign where they could see it immediately."

Yamamoto "hey! it's said it is here."

"Yeah your right they found it easier than I thought."

Reborn smirk and said " see."

Tsuna "what?! True its here and it's said be ware of bear falling. What does it mean?"

Gokudera "there is no way a bear is going to fall."

Dino "no we should really be ware."

A bear fall from the sky.

Tsuna "a bear really falling!"

"Where did you find that many bear, can I have them after this?"

Reborn "why?"

"Well I like to show them to my parents, you see my mom is found of unusual animal, they dance like a ballerina so my mom will like them very much."

Reborn "okay but you need to tame them."

"Yeah! Thank you Reborn."

Reborn smirk

Tsuna and the other manage to save themselves and found the next sign.

"How can you know the next path they go?"

Reborn " a hitman must always predict the next thing the target do."

Tsuna "it's said be ware of surprises."

Yamamoto "there is also a bat here."

Gokudera "keh! Baseball freak."

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