Chapter 8

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"what should I do?"

"hm? Tsuna?" I spot Tsuna when I was taking a walk.

" waaaah senpai!" tsuna cried ang cling to me when he see me.

"what happen?" I asked

"I'm going to die with shame!"

"I still don't understand." i said patting tsuna back to calm him down.

"this morning in our PE class we played soccer, I was in daze thinking how peaceful today then Gokudera pass the ball to me but I was not paying attention then it hit my face, I got dizzy then I heard a voice it says ' I never hit a ball in my whole life.' When I look at my hand a tattoo that look like a skull talk. Then earlier I met Reborn, he said this is a fatal skull disease and I will going to die soon within 2 hours
, I wash it but it did not fade instead another one appeared on my stomach, I don't want to die in shame revealing all the my embarrassing past. Waaaah" tsuna cried

"There must be a way to cure that right?" I asked knowing the answer.

"Yes there is a doctor that Reborn call but he only treat woman."

"What is his name?"

"Doctor shamal (sniff)"

"Oh then I will help you" I said

"How?" Tsuna asked

"I will pretend as a woman then while I distract him, you catch him."

"Is it fine for you to do this?"

"Yes we are friend right?" I wink at tsuna and smile.

"Senpai thank you!"

"Wait for me at the park."

I change my clothes and drink the medicine that can turn me as a girl. I remember trident shamal is also a hitman that use mosquito as a weapon. I went to the park and spot Tsuna, Gokudera is also there with I-pin and Lambo eating takoyaki.

"Tsuna!" I waved my hand to let him know I arrived. He saw me but why did he suddenly in daze' not only Tsuna, Gokudera is also the same.

"Hello I-pin and Lambo. Tsuna, Gokudera, did you already find shamal's whereabouts?"  I asked, when they heard my voice they snap on their trance and they blushed.

"Are you two okay?"

"Senpai that appearance..." Tsuna said shyly

"Is it strange? Last time I also dress like this to test my medicine and to see how I look. Everyone said its okay but...." I tilt my head in confusion. Gokudera and Tsuna face much redder than before.

" what a guy looking like a girl doing?!" Gokudera shout angrily but his face is red.

"If I look like this I might be able to help Tsuna catch Shamal." I replied

"That guy will definitely approach you." Said Gokudera agreeing to what I said.

"Pretty lady, would you like to spend some time with me?" Shamal suddenly appeared in front of me.

"Ah eh um hello I'm Tsuna friend, are you Doctor Shamal?"

"Yes that is me"

"Can you please treat Tsuna disease?" I look at him holding my two hands in front like praying and look at him with upward eyes, not forgetting to tilt my head slightly.

"If its for this pretty lady request I will gladly accept it but please give me a kiss first." Shamal said while blushing.

"Oy! Pervert doctor! Just treat 10th already!"

" yeah don't sexual harass senpai."


"Senpai!" Both Tsuna and Gokudera shout, they did not expect that I will agree.

"Its just on a cheek right?" I get close to shamal to kiss his face but my lips touch Shamal face I heard a voice behind me.

"Leo what are you doing looking like that and what are you going to do hm?" I suddenly shivered because I felt a very dark aura behind me. When I look around I saw Hibari Kyoya with dark look on his face, glaring at me but his gaze is more intense when he look at shamal. If look could kill, Shamal will die a thousand times.

"Kyoya what are you doing here?" I asked avoiding his question. I can't help it, I'm scared of Kyoya's look and I don't know why but I feel my heart pain, I feel guilty. I did not do something wrong right?

"If I did not come here by chance, you will do something stupid right?" Kyoya replied. He went closer to me and pull my arms, he drag me out of the park without saying good bye to tsuna and he bring me to school, to the committee room. He lock the room to prevent me from escaping.

"So why are you dress like that? Did I not tell you before that don't let other people saw you dress like that. The only one allowed to see you in this form is me." Kyoya said while still holding my arm.

"Not even my parents?" I ask timidly

"Not even them."

"I'm not your thing to tell me what to do!" I don't know where I get my courage but when I already voice my thought, I suddenly got scared and I shut my mouth.

"What? Tell me that again." Kyoya said with a very scary dark aura he emit.

"Well Iー" before I finish my word suddenly my mouth was covered by something soft. My eyes wide open when I realize the thing I felt is Kyoya lips is on my lips. Eh? How? What happen? How did it become like this? After the kiss that I thought it was long but in fact it was just a second my knee got soft and slid down from Kyoya grasp, still in daze.

"If you don't heed my word I will give you more punishment, next time I will let you taste a real kiss." After he said that he went out of the room. When I finally understand what happen I blush and hide my face in embarrassment.

I learn afterward that after I went away many things happened and Shamal pity Tsuna for he heard the skull talk that the longest time tsuna talk to his crush is just 3 minutes thus Shamal treat Tsuna disease.


Author's Note

(>人<;)Minna gomennasai (sorry everyone) for the short chapter. Next time I will try to write it more longer.

Try to read my friend story if you are interested, it is full of action, mystery, drama, romance and some comedy.
iamakiera Fearless  Queen.

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