Chapter 11

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I really like the song above, there is also an english version of this song but I like the Japanese version more. I can't get this song out of my head and I sing this almost every hour! So Because of this song I gain an inspiration to write and I also like to share this song to my readers. Anyway enjoy! and please also enjoy the song I gurantee this song is good. I live in Japan and I saw many video in some app in Japan that they put this song on their video that they make.



"Leo, I'm glad..."

"Shin... is that you?"

"Leo, I can see... you are happy."

"Shin where are you?"

"I'm here... I'm always beside you."

"Shin where? I can't see you."

"Leo, bye take care always."

"No... no! Shin! Don't go!"

"Don't worry I'm always watching you."

"Shin where are you? Don't go! Please.... don't go!"

"Shin!" (Gasp) I suddenly wake up from my dream, I dream about my best friend in my past life.

"Shin I miss you...(sob) shin...." I touch my face and I can feel my face is wet from my tears.


"Master are you okay?" I can feel ryuuki and rin is worried about me. I pat there head gently.

"I'm okay, I just saw a dream." I smile to let them know I'm fine.

"Master, Can I ask what kind of dream?" Rin asked.

"I dream about someone who is important to me. I'm sorry for making you two worry" I only said that not explaining who is it.

" Its okay master, let me worry about you. My creator is you, my father so its normal to worry about your well being." Rin said proudly.

"Kuuuu!" Ryuuki also voice his agreement. This time I smile, a heartful smile.

"Thank you both of you, I'm glad you two is here beside me."

"(Shin I hope I can see you someday)" leo inner thought.

I look at my clock and it tell 6 a.m, I have still time before breakfast but I don't want to sleep anymore so I went to dojo and saw Fon is sitting inside the dojo.

"Come here I will be your opponent." Said Fon

"Thank you master." I guess Fon immediately realize I'm feeling down.

I lay on the floor completely battered and exhausted, when I look at Fon, he is still standing leisurely, lichi is on Fon head.  After some sparring I feel refresh. Me and Fon went to the dining to eat.

"Good morning." My father greet me and master fon he also greeted rin, ryuuki and lichi.

"Good morning everyone, Leo when I check the mailbox there is a letter for you." Mom said when he put my coffee on the table. She also put Fon tea in front of him. After that she gave food to rin, ryuuki and lichi. I'm glad ryuuki and lichi is getting along but ryuuki is not getting alone with leon because he want to compete with leon. 

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