"Anybody else left in the town that fits the profile? You know, nice guy turned douche, still breathing?" You asked the men in the room.

"There's Trotter," Richie said, thinking of someone.


"Trotter. He used to be head of the Rotary Club. Then, people say he turned bastard all of a sudden. You know, brought in the gambling, and the hookers. Ah, he practically owns this whole town."

"Well, where could we find him?" You asked Richie.

"Oh, he'll be at his bar in a few hours." Richie nodded.

"Great, I'm up for a little bit of alcohol." You said with a smile.


"Sam, when you said this town was a 'boarded-up factory town', I didn't think it would be that populated." You stated, seeing the town Trotter's bar was in. Richie was going to meet you there and left last night. Sam did a little research and he told you this was a deserted town but what you were looking at wasn't deserted. The town was buzzing with people, slutty girls, people with cocktails, the whole shebang.

"I didn't think so either," Sam commented. Dean managed to park close to the bar and you three got out, seeing girls with tight clothing approach your boyfriend. You left Sam's side and rushed over to Dean before they could get too close. You grabbed Dean's hand and pulled him into you, making it known that he was yours.

"And you say you don't get jealous easily," Dean muttered into your hair, kissing your head afterward.

"Shut up, I love you, it's not called jealousy." You said, looking up at him. He smiled softly and nodded, putting an arm around your shoulder while still holding your hand. He walked with you to Sam who maneuvered through the sea of people to get to the bar.

The inside was just as worse as the outside. People were crowded on the dance floor, having a good time with their friends or their dates. Dean easily moved through the crowd as if he belonged there but Sam, on the other hand, didn't like this attention and bumped into people awkwardly.

You just reached the bar when you noticed something bright and orange by your side. You looked over to see Richie there with a smile on his face.

"You made it!"

"Yeah, wow, look at you," you said with a polite smile even though you hated his shirt. It was a shiny, short-sleeved shirt that was halfway buttoned to reveal a white t-shirt underneath it.

"Bringing satin back," Dean snickered.

"Oh, you like this? Try Thai silk—Canal Street. You'd have to pay $300 for threads like these, easy. Cost to me—fuggedaboutit," Richie spoke, his New York accent peeking through at the end.

"How much is 'forget about it'?" Sam asked and Richie laughed.

"Ah, forget about it. That's Trotter over there," Richie changed the subject, pointing to a man surrounded by people. "He sits there all night. Can't touch him."

"We'll see about that. I'll see if I can get into their group and find out what he's all about." You said, looking down as you fixed your shirt to accentuate your breasts, making them swell. You ruffled your hair and smirked, about to head over there but a hand on your arm stopped you. Dean pulled you into him and placed his mouth over yours.

You kissed him back, getting the message he spoke through his kiss. You pulled away and winked, turning around and walking away from Sam, Dean, and Richie. You walked through the sea of people, trying to blend in until you got to the table with Trotter and the men he was sitting with.

"Hey, you got room for one more?" You asked, biting your lip to make yourself look sexy. The men by Trotter immediately stood up, going to usher you away.

"Sorry, lady," one of the men started to say but Trotter stopped them by putting his hand out.

"Don't, let her stay. What's your name, sweetheart?" Trotter asked with a slight smirk on his face that unnerved you. The men had put their hands on your shoulders and you knew just by their touch that they weren't supernatural at all. They were just doing their job as bodyguards or whatever they were. At the request Trotter made, they let go of you and sat back down, making room for you next to Trotter. You saw the space was small and knew you would be touching him and that is what you needed.

"Grace, you know, like what an Angel has." You said, looking at Trotter as you sat down, touching his thigh with yours. You didn't feel anything weird but you needed to stay a little longer to make sure he wasn't a demon. Trotter shifted so he was turned to you and he draped an arm on the back of the booth, letting his fingers fall on your exposed shoulder.

You got a weird feeling from him but it wasn't a supernatural one.

"Yes, just like an Angel. You know, you're very pretty," Trotter complimented you but you didn't take it as a compliment. You had a feeling that what was going through his mind wasn't pleasant ones.

"Thank you," you said, looking around you to see if you could find an excuse to get away from him. You didn't feel safe as a woman with him next to you.

"Like, you're really pretty. You know, I might have something fun for you to do," Trotter said, pushing his head to your neck which you figured he wanted to kiss but the thought made you revolt. You suddenly got an excuse and shifted so you moved away from him. You made sure not to let him know you didn't like him.

"I see you don't have enough alcohol. Why don't I go get some and then the real fun can happen," You said in a sultry tone, hoping he would let you go.

"Alright, but hurry back sweetheart," Trotter said, letting you get up. As soon as you did, he slapped your ass and you resisted the urge to sock him in his jaw. You walked away from him and once you were out of sight, you rushed back to the bar and into Dean's arms, shivering.

"Whoa, sweetheart, what's wrong?" Dean asked, looking at Sam with worried eyes. Richie was nowhere to be found but you didn't care about that.

"Trotter isn't a demon." You muttered, pushing yourself closer to him.

"What happened over there," Dean asked, pushing you away slightly and made you look at him.

"He racks up women, trying to get them to be objects. If I didn't get out of there when I did, I don't think he would be alive anymore." You said and you saw anger flash through Dean's eyes but you put a hand on his chest to stow him.

"It's okay, Dean, he's not the guy we're looking for," You said and you looked at Sam who was glaring in Trotter's direction. You didn't know what he was thinking about but you didn't have time to think about it when you heard commotion come from one of the pool tables. You looked over just in time to see two men, one with a gun in his hand, pointing it at the other man.

You gasped as the first man shot the other man right between his eyes. Immediately the bar was in chaos, people screaming and running away from the man with the gun. You looked over and saw Trotter and his men stand up. You caught Trotter's eyes but looked away before you could read them.

The man with the gun aimed the weapon at his own head but Dean was quick to take action. Your boyfriend ran over to the man and tackled him to the ground while Sam rushed over, taking out the flask of holy water that he thought he would need just in case. The shock wore off and you rushed over to be of help but when Sam splashed the man in the face, he didn't sizzle but he looked pissed off.

"What the hell are you doing? That fucking bastard slept with my wife!!" The man shouted, his face red.

"Somebody call 911!" Sam shouted and you saw multiple people take out their phone to call the police. You looked up from the mess and caught Trotter's eyes before he rushed away with his men. You got a shiver down your spine but didn't act on it.

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