
Start from the beginning

By the time Charlus returned with Mrs. Evans and Lily, everything was set, the food was finished and smelling delicious, and Dora had gone upstairs to change and come back down, looking very nervous and excited. She and James went to meet Charlus and their guests on the porch, and Dora turned to fix James's hair while they waited and she turned to fix James's hair and he batted her hand away, "Muuum," he whined, "I already did that, stop."

"But --"

"Mum. I like it how it is, alright? Leave it be."

She sighed.

And then they were there, and James saw Lily had changed when she'd gone home into a dress - purple with a beaded black shawl that wrapped around her shoulders and her hair was up in a pretty bun. Mrs. Evans's hair was up, too, and James guessed that Lily had cast the spell for it looked very similar to her own hair do. Mrs. Evans wore a pretty red with white polka dotted dress, and she carried a plate that she handed to Dora when they arrived to the porch.

"Thank you for having me," Mrs. Evans said, smiling, "I've brought along these tarts for dessert. Old family recipe. I thought you might like them."

"Oh thank you!" Dora said grinning. Charlus jumped in and took a peek at the tarts under the covering and grinned eagerly at how good they looked.

There was a round of everyone introducing one another, during which James and Lily stared at one another, their eyes locked and James grinning at her while she blushed. You look beautiful, he mouthed the words. Thank you, she mouthed back.

All through dinner, James kept waiting for an opportunity to arise that would be perfect for mentioning that he'd been named Headboy. But Dora was so excited about meeting Lily and her mum properly, that she barely stopped asking them questions about everything under the bloody sun, and James found himself making apologetic glances at Lily. Charlus was very interested in hearing about Mrs. Evans's hobbies - which included cooking, gardening, and sewing - and seemed keen to get all of the information about Lily's interests and after school ambitions as well.

This part James was interested in, too, of course and he was surprised when Lily replied, "I actually would like to be a teacher or a caretaker of some sort. For children. Like the young ones." She smiled, and her eyes met James's, "I volunteered one summer for an orphanage a couple days a week and it was always really very lovely to see the children's faces light up. Professor McGonagall said that there's something like it for wizarding children."

Charlus said that there was for sure, and that he'd work on getting her some contact information from his friends at the Ministry, who would know better who she needed to be in touch with for it. "Noble job, that," Charlus said, nodding with approval, "Forming the next generation." He smiled and winked at James. "You've got to love children to work in a job like that."

Lily smiled, "I do. They're wonderful."

James smiled, too, and tried to ignore his father elbowing him.

When the food was gone, Charlus suggested a nightcap and some more chat and James cleared his throat, "Lily, fancy some fresh air?"

"Yes," she said enthusiastically, and they both got up, escaping from the adults and heading out into the front yard.

The moon was still bright, not quite full, and shone silver over the whole world. James slid his hand into hers as they walked slowly down the porch steps. Her fingers tightened around his and she looked up at him. They ducked through the gate, leaving the Fidelus Charm, and he swung their arms between them as they walked down the little road toward the village, which glowed at the foot of the hill.

The Marauders: Year Seven Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now