New Friends

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Author note: Hey guys here is chapter two hope you enjoy. Again I don't own the picture although it is super cute.
My first four classes had gone great thanks to Adrien and now it was lunchtime. When we walked into the lunchroom everyone went their separate ways. I found an empty table at the back of the room and sat by myself. I never really liked being around large groups of people and I had always limited my friend group to maybe three or four people. I was sitting there minding my own business when a girl with dark hair that was put in pig tails with pretty blue eyes walked over to me. "Hey do you mind if me and Alya eat lunch with you?" She asked with a super sweet smile. "Yeah sure I don't care," I responded and Alya came sitting next to the girl. "Forgive my friend this is Marinette," Alya said introducing her friend to me. "It's nice to meet you," Marinette said standing up to shake your hand. So after the three of you get to talking. "So, Alya tell me more about Ladybug and Cat Noir." I said then waited as she pulled out her phone. "Well you see this is Ladybug and that's Cat Noir and actually I have a blog on Ladybug it's call the Ladyblog. If you want to go check it out, but these photos are from a few days ago." Alya said and you were amazed to find two superheroes in Paris. "So, who were they fighting?" I asked seeing another person in some of the photos. "Oh that's the Evillustrator. And actually Marinette got an up close and personal to him," Alya said trying not to laugh. "I told you not to talk about it!" Marinette said lightly smacking Alya. "Anyway he was in love with Marinette," Alya said finally letting out some laughter. "Those are some really pretty earrings Marinette sorry for not noticing them earlier," I said noticing the black earrings. "Pretty? They're only black," Marinette said a bit confused. "Sorry I like the color black," I said responding to her confusion. "I forgot to earlier, but I was going to compliment your bracelet the purple and black mix really well and what's the charm?" "Oh thank you it's a flame because my mom always likes to joke about me being hot headed," I said laughing and they started laughing too. Suddenly two more people walked over to the table it was Adrien and his friend. "Excuse me ladies, but would this table allow two more uninvited guests?" Adrien asked in a funny fancy accent then did a bow. "Yeah sure I don't mind as long as it's okay with Alya and Marinette," I said looking at them. "Yeah sure boys have a seat," Alya said and the boys sat on either side of me. "Oh (Y/n), this is my friend Nino he has science with us," Adrien said introducing his friend. "Hey girl, you look totally rad," Nino said fist bumping me. "Hey," I said smiling like an idiot. "So what were you guys talking about?" Adrien asked and I answered his question. "Marinette was just giving me a compliment on my bracelet," I said and Adrien nodded looking at the bracelet. "Anyway I'm planning a party for this Saturday if you guys want to come it's at my place," Nino said drawing everyone's attention over to him. "Yeah that's sounds like an awesome time," Alya said and Marinette shook her head. "Sounds like fun I'm totally in, but first I'm gonna need everyone's contact info," I said pulling out my phone. They all agreed then took turns typing their numbers into my phone while I took turns typing my number into their phones. The bell rang for the next class and after saying bye to Alya, Marinette, and Nino. Me and Adrien made our way to the gym. Since today was my first day I didn't have to dress out or participate in the activity. So, I stayed in my own world reading a book in the bleachers. I suddenly noticed a shadow looming over me and when I looked up there was a guy standing in front of me. I put my book down waiting for him to say something. "Um hi," I said breaking the awkward silence. "Oh hey sorry, I didn't mean to be weird," he said sitting next to me. "Hey, my name is Kim and I'm in your math class," he said and I thought back to that class and remembered seeing his a few desks away from me. "Oh yeah I remember now you were sitting by Ivan, right?" I asked not sure if I was correct or not. "Yeah, that's right. So, what book are you reading?" He asked and I casually looked at the cover. "It's called Touched and it's about this guy who basically has to follow a plan that plays in his head to have a happy life or whatever. It's kind of complicated," I said giggling. Kim smiled at me then got up. "It sounds like a good book mind lending it to me sometime?" He asked. "Yeah sure as soon as I'm done with it, okay?" "Totally," he said as he headed back toward the field with everyone else. I smiled to myself then kept reading I then heard the teacher blow the whistle I packed up my stuff then headed towards the gym with everyone else. Adrien soon came out of the guy's locker room with the rest of the guys. They were surrounding Adrien and were making a bunch of noise. I rolled my eyes then walked over, they all stopped as the saw me coming and patted Adrien on the back he smiled then rolled his eyes. They all backed up leaving us alone. "What was that about?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "Oh you know just guys being guys." Adrien said as he smiled brightly. "Oh hey I forgot to mention when you helped me up earlier I noticed your ring. I thought it was really cool where did you get it?" I asked admiring the ring. "Oh this thing my dad got it for me said it was one of a kind," Adrien said rubbing his neck. "So next class is chorus, um do you sing?" Adrien asked looking a bit worried. "Hahaha, yes I can sing Adrien. How dare you even assume that I can't," I said nudging his lightly. "Sorry my bad I was just wondering because you don't look like the singing type," Adrien said feeling embarrassed that he assumed that you couldn't sing. "It's all good I was just playing around," I said as the bell rang and we walked to class. We were almost there when Adrien asked me a strange question. "Hey (Y/n), I hate to ask you this, but why do you never mention your dad?" I was shocked at first that he asked, but I was at a new school people here don't know my story. "Well, my dad left when I was young and I haven't seen him since," I said with a blank face and Adrien stopped me. "Wait, I'm sorry I asked I know it must be hard for you. My mom died when I was young I didn't really get to know her," Adrien admitted and I could see the pain in his eyes. I smiled and gave him a quick hug. "No hard feelings okay?" I asked and he smiled and nodded his head. We walked into the class and of course I had to do my vocal range even though I knew I was an alto. "Well because you're new would you like to sing something you like?" Mrs. Johnson asked and I nodded. "Do you want me to sing by myself?" I asked a little bit nervous. "Yes, please." She said and I looked at Adrien with a panicked look. "Take a deep breath. You got this I believe in you," he mouthed smiling and giving you a thumbs up. I took a deep breath then began to sing Titanium.

When I was done I looked up and everyone's mouths were open. They were all in shock because of me? I didn't think I was that good, but they all seem shocked by my voice. Suddenly the class erupted with applause. Everyone was clapping for me. Adrien smiled the biggest I've seen all day. The bell rang after the teacher told me what songs I should study to prepare myself to sing with the class. Finally we went to art where I knew my artistic talents would pull through. Mr. Campbell walked over to me after explaining to the class what we were going to do. We were simply sketching a bowl of fruit. He looked at my work as I continued and quite loudly exclaimed, "My dear you have such amazing hands." I blushed slightly then continued what I was doing. Mr. Campbell let us pack up early to talk amongst ourselves. "(Y/n), may I show the class your work?" Mr. Campbell asked. "Sure it's not that great though," he gasped in surprise. "My dear this is a masterpiece!" He held up the sketch book to show the rest of the class. The class was in shock one of the guys came to stand by me after looking at my sketch. "Hey I'm Nathan," he said holding out his hand. "Yeah we have Science together," I said shaking his hand. "You're drawing is amazing. How long have you been drawing?" He asked seeming curious. "Thank you and I've been drawing practically since I was born," I said smiling then the bell rang and I walked to the front of the school. I told everyone bye the started walking home.

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