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Next Day
"Wake up, Chris !" I heard Tray yell from outside my room door. "5 more minutes." I replied. "No nigga we gotta get in the road get up and get ready." He said. "Man I'm tired." I said lowly opening my door. "You wouldn't be so tired if you would've went to sleep instead of talking to Cierra all night." He said. I smiled as I thought about our long talk last night we had on FaceTime getting to know each other. She told me about her moving in with us and everything about her. She was a cool ass girl with ass personality. "Nigga get dressed or I'm leaving you." Try said walking out my room. I quickly did my morning routine before packing the last of my stuff. We both headed to the car ready to start our long drive to Houston for new beginnings.
"Finally." Nique said plopping down on my bed we just finished putting together. "You had so much stuff." Airi said. "It wasn't that much." I replied. "I'm just happy I get to live with my two besties." Airi said pulling us into a group hug. "This will be so fun." Nique smiled. "Gilly and Tray should almost be here." Airi said wiggling her eyebrows smirking at me. "Okay ?" I said trying to hide the fact that I was actually hype about Chris coming to town. "Sooo you get to see yo man." Nique said. "That's not my man. I don't need to be in a relationship right now especially after Jordan." I explained. My relationship with Jordan was so toxic and the breakup was so messy, after that I vowed to take a break on relationships. Don't get me wrong Gilly is a nice guy and all but I think it's a little too early to be thinking about a relationship. "Cierra." Nique said snapping in my face. "Huh." I answered. "They're here." She replied leaving out my room. I followed behind her going downstairs. I watched as Tray and Airi hugged forever before introducing myself to Tray and saying hi. I watched as the front door opened and in walked Mr.Gilly himself, he's even finer in person. I smiled as we made eye contact which caused him to come my way. "Well look who it is." He smiled hugging me. "Hey Gilly." I replied trying my hardest not to blush but failed miserably. "Now that everybody is here and the love birds finally seen each other we can hit up the mall." King said holding baby Kaiser. "Let us get settled first dang." Tray replied. "Ugh hurry up." King said sitting on the couch. We all sat around waiting for Chris and Tray to get settled in before we headed to the mall. Once we arrived we headed to the food court where we were ambushed by supporters wanting to take pictures and ask questions. I was drained already from being asked the same questions. "Is Gilly your new boyfriend ? Do you like Gilly ? Will you and Jordan get back together ?" It was draining and at the same time annoying but I pushed through it anyway. We finally decided it would be a good idea to leave the food court so we could try to shop in peace. As I stood in footlocker debating on what shoes to buy I felt a figure stand next to me. I looked over to see Chris staring at me. "What ?" I asked laughing. "You avoiding me ?" He asked. "No why would I do that ?" I asked tilting my head in confusion. "In the food court you kept your distance." He replied. "I just didn't want supporters getting the wrong idea that's all." I explained. "Wrong idea like what ?" He asked. "Like us dating or something." I answered honestly. "I mean that wouldn't be a bad thing." He said staring into my soul. "Yes because we not dating we're just friends." I responded. He nodded before walking back over to Tray. Did I say something wrong ?

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