Chapter 8

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"Woah, got enough books there Black?" Hestia said as books seemed to be spilling from the blue box lying near the lake. 

"I can't believe they're here," Carina said, puzzled and amazed that her books were all there. She counted, and every single book her father had blasted to nothing more than scattered bits of parchment was there and as good as new. Picking up her copy of "Was it Love, or Magic?" she ran her trembling hand down the spine, worn from late nights reading by candle and fantasizing of her own future love.

"Carina why are you crying?" Benji asked, obviously awkward in demeanor as he patted her shoulder trying to comfort her. 

"Oh, yes, sorry," She said quickly, sniffing and wiping her eyes on the sleeve of her inky black robes. She hadn't meant to cry, but she had become so overwhelmed by the sudden presence of her favorite things. Carina laughed and shook her head, telling her friends she was just surprised. 

"So, what's the deal Black, why cry over some old books?" Hestia asked obviously confused as to why anyone would cry over receiving some books. 

"I didn't really have any friends, so I spent most of my childhood reading, and the night before coming to school, my father saw a Gryffindor scarf in my room. So, in a fit of rage, he blasted my collection of books to nothing more than ash. 

As the trio sat while talking by the lake, Benji and Hestia asking more about her childhood, they hardly noticed as the bright sun began to sink further over the lake. Just as Hestia made her hair flash pink and changed her face into that of a pig, they heard Hagrid making his way across the grounds. 

"Bloody hell, it's already 6'o clock. We better head back up to the castle." Benji said, looking down at his wristwatch. The girls both agreed and all three heaved the heavy blue box up to the castle. As they reached the entrance hall, all three slumped against the wall, panting. As Carina looked back down at the box, she thought again of her father blowing up the books. 

'Could it have been her father?' she wondered, knowing her dreadful hag of a mother would never do something that nice, especially for her. 


After the three finally heaved the heavy blue box up to the common room, Carina parted with Benji and Hestia telling them she wasn't very hungry. So, as she curled up to the fire in one of the comfy armchairs, Benji and Hestia clambered through the portrait, the sound of Hestia complaining loudly about throwing out her back only being cut off with the 'Snap' of the portrait closing. Carina felt as though she couldn't be happier as she sifted through the stacks of books, the tales that could always help her forget about the daily lecture her mother would give her, or the novels full of information that she'd try to absorb in a day. 

Carina jumped as she heard a groaning noise come from the stairs to the boys' dormitories. Jumping to her feet, she grabbed a heavy volume of spells, and raised it above her head, ready to strike if need be. 

"What're you holding a book above your head for?" a sickly looking Remus said as he slowly came down the stairs, looking quite disheveled. 

"Oh, uh no reason," she said, quickly dropping the book into the box abashedly. 

"Mind if I sit? I'm not feeling very hungry at the moment," he said, offering a small smile as he walked slowly towards the fire. 

"Of course Remus, are you ok, you don't look so good?" Carina eyed him up and down, the boy seemed quite pale and was covered in scratches and dark bruises. 

"Oh yeah, I'm fine," he said, quickly averting his eyes to the fire, "So, why aren't you with everyone else at dinner?" 

"I've got too much on my mind to be hungry today." Sighing, she sank back down into the chair. 

"So, have you heard from your mother since the howler?" he said quietly, glancing over to see her gaze fixed on the battered blue box. 

"No, I assume I won't be receiving many letters from her asking how my day's been." She said with a laugh, shaking her head. 

"Well, hang in there, she might get over it," Remus said, offering a small smile. As he said that the portrait swung open and a flood of students began pouring in, including her brother and his friends who spotted Remus almost immediately. 

"Well, I'd better go, your posse is coming. I hope you get better soon Remus" she said with a smile and a wave. 


As Monday arrived, the Gryffindor first years quickly rushed down to the dungeons, hoping not to be late to their double potions class with the Slytherins. When they arrived they found the Slytherins along the wall, waiting while some sneered at the Gryffindors. As Carina hurried to get in line with Benji and Hestia, she spotted Avery, a boy whose family was quite involved with the Blacks'. She waved at him but he sneered, muttering to a gangly boy with black hair that looked in need of a good wash. She shrugged and turned back to her friends, guessing he was just as full of the pureblood propaganda as her family was.

After the long potions class, Carina was glad to be leaving the cold dungeons as her fingers had begun to go numb. As she hurried up the steps, trying to put the lid on her ink bottle, she hadn't notice Avery stop and stick out his foot in front of her. She stumbled, her ink bottle shattering against the stone steps, covering her in the black liquid. She turned to see Avery high-fiving another boy she recognized from parties her family had held. As she started to collect her things and stand when Avery knocked into her hard enough for her to lose her balance once more,  as he climbed up the steps. 

"You're just as weak as the mud-bloods you're so fond of," he said with a sneer. 

"Oy! Avery!" Carina turned as she heard the familiar sound of her brother's voice, she gave a weak smile before hurrying up the dungeon steps, not wanting to get involved in whatever her brother was doing now. When she reached the transfiguration classroom, she looked quite frazzled, and slid into the seat next to Hestia. 

"What took you so long? You were almost late," Hestia whispered out of the corner of her mouth as Professor McGonagall began the lesson on turning a beetle into a needle.

"I just tripped on the stairs and spilled my ink." She said, opening up her book. 

Minutes later, the door burst open and in came Sirius and James, both looking quite pleased with themselves. 

"Potter, Black, where have you two been?" McGonagall asked exasperatedly looking between the two of them. 

"Sorry Proffessor, we had to take care of something that couldn't wait" James said, a grin still evident on his face. 

"That is no excuse for being late, I expect better of you two, that will be five points from Gryffindor, now take your seats please." She said sternly, turning her attention back to beetle in front of her. 

"You're welcome," Sirius muttered as he passed Carina's desk and took his seat with James and the the rest of his group of friends. 

"Your brother is definitely getting expelled before 7th year," Hestia whispered a grin on her face. 

"Definitely." She agreed with a smile. 

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Hello my lovelies, I know it truly has been forever since I've added a chapter, but here it is. I hope you guys liked it, and if you did, leave a like and a comment. Thanks for reading, I promise more is definitely coming soon!

Lots of Love, 


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2018 ⏰

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