Chapter 6

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As the first year students filed into her classroom, the professor noticed two children missing. She sighed and shook her head, thinking they were sleeping in on the first day. As she sat down, beginning to take roll, Hestia Jones raised her hand high.

"Yes, Miss. Jones?" Minerva asked, raising her eyebrows at the young student.

"I know where Carina is professor," Hestia said, interesting not just the professor, but the whole class.....


"Are you sure you're going to be alright?" Remus asked Carina as he sat with her on the window seat, absentmindedly swinging his legs back and forth.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, my mum has always considered me her least favorite out of the three of us-" She stopped as she heard the hurried clicking of shoes coming down the hall. Carina looked up and saw her professor coming towards them. She jumped up from the seat and quickly wiped the last trace of a tear from her face, trying to hide the fact that she had been crying.

"Mr.Lupin if you would kindly go to the classroom, I will handle this from here, thank you." Professor McGonagall said curtly with her lips drawn into a stern line towards the young Gryffindor. Remus hopped up and quickly left down the hall, turning only to offer a reassuring smile towards Carina. 

"Ms. Black, I would like to inform you that skipping class to chat with other students is highly intolerable, and I would like an explanation," she said to Carina, standing with her arms crossed over top of her chest.  

"I am sorry professor, I received a howler from my mother today, and she told me some unsettling things. It wasn't Remus' fault though, he was making sure I was alright."

"Very well Ms.Black, what exactly was it that your mother told you?" The professor asked, wondering what trouble she had gotten into within the first day. 

"I left the book, "Purebloods: The Inbreds" in front of her door yesterday, and today I received a howler from her that said she doesn't want me to come home for Christmas in fact, she said I should find someone to stay with for Summer as well, because she really doesn't want me, and I fear professor, that she's going to burn me off the tapestry," Carina said, her voice full of sadness, not over her mother not wanting her, but over the fact that her father, had said nothing to stop her mother. 

Carina had definitely been her father's daughter, that was for sure, as a little girl her father would rarely be seen without Carina near by, and vice versa. She was crushed over the fact that the one man who had defended her so many times against the mad woman had finally given up. There were times, however, that he met his wit's end with her, but every time he would apologize for it in his own way, away from Walburga of course. Even he knew and feared the extent of the woman's rage. 

"Whatever do you mean by that Ms. Black?" The professor questioned in confusion. 

"We have our entire family tree on a tapestry in our home and my mother burns off anyone's face who does not meet the expectations of being a Black. My cousin, for example, Andromeda was burned off a little while ago for marrying a Muggle-born, Ted Tonks, last year. So I fear I'm going to be removed, not only am I a Gryffindor, but I've always been putting up a fight with her since the day I was born." Carina let out a small sigh as she finished. 

"Well then, off to class with you, I will speak with the headmaster about your situation, it'd be best not to respond to your mother's howler for awhile I suspect." The professor said to her before the young girl began to run off to class. 

"No running!" she called out to Carina, who slowed her pace to a walk until she turned the corner and began sprinting again. As soon as she reached the classroom she saw the kids inside talking to one another but as soon as she pushed the door open you could hear a pin drop it was so quiet. She walked over and sat in the desk behind Hestia's and Benji's shared desk.

"Hey guys, I am sorry for over reacting back there," Carina apologized to them as people began to speak again and stopped staring at her. 

Hestia turned around in her seat and handed over her things before saying, 

"Are you alright? I can see if you can maybe stay for the summer if you'd like." 

"I don't want to impose.." Carina said, the two girls had known each other for almost two days and she didn't want to overstep her bounds. 

"Oh, it's no problem," she waved her hand, signaling that she was dismissing the notion," Benji here is always over, and my family loves guests." Hestia smiled. 

"Thank you, Hestia. I-" Carina was cut off by the opening of the door. 

"Settle down students. Pull out your wands and open your books to page 12." Professor McGonagall instructed as she began class. 

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Here is chapter 6! I hope you guys liked this chapter (you should tell me via the comments). Sorry, it's not as long as they usually are, but I didn't want to just drag it out. If you have any suggestions or constructive criticism, I'd love to know. Don't forget to vote, comment, and share. :P

Lots of Love, 

Jazzy ❤️ 


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