The Maid{SMUT}

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"Do you love it Al!? This is our new home!" Sylvie said enthusiastically.

"Yeah..." I said unamused. We just moved from our old house into this expensive new one that I'm basically paying with my own money all by myself while Sylvie is helping pay the rent one percent.

I've been to prison for smuggling drugs but still had all the money I've made over the years and it's enough to last my whole life and two or more other people's life's.

"I heard this place comes with a maid." Sylvie said. Then I heard someone pull up in our drive way. "That must be her!" Sylvie squealed running towards the window looking down at the person who just arrived.

We went to the front door to let in the 'little maid' and but as she walked in my heart stopped. She was wearing a maids outfit and her blonde hair was up in a ponytail. She was carrying her little cleaning supplies. Couldn't say I wasn't aroused for some reason.

"My names Piper Chapman, I'm your maid. Keep in mind you can't fire me because you signed a contract, I come with this house so either you suck it up or move out. I'll do everything in my will power to be as helpful as possible." She said in a sweet tone.

"You're so young, why are you working as a maid?" Sylvie asked.

"To pay off my debt I owe to my medical school. It was hard being a maid before I worked for whoever buys this house. I clean for a week then all of a sudden they don't need me so if I come with the house, they can't fire me."

Sylvie nodded.

"What do you do?" I said budding in.

"I'm a surgeon. I'm only a resident so they don't pay me the amount I need to spend it on rent, food, and the debt."

"Awe, poor thing." Sylvie frowned. "How old are you?"

"Sylvie, let's not interrogate her now."

"It's okay, I'm actually twenty five."

"So young." Sylvie gasped.

"We're not much older Sylvie. We're three years apart from her."

"You guys are twenty eight?" Piper questioned surprised.

"Yes.." I said.

"How'd you afford this place!? Rich parents is it?"

"No I just did a lot of stupid shit when I was like seventeen and payed my time at twenty. Got out for good behavior and all, but got slight probation."

Piper stared at me with wide eyes and backed up a little. "Are you a criminal."

"She didn't actually kill anybody." Sylvie said.

"Yeah, I just use to work for an international drug cartel and got so much money from doing so. I was that good. It's not that big and it's not like I would do it again." I said.

Piper seemed to calm down at that. "I'll just clean up." She said awkwardly.

I sighed and went up to my- I mean, our room and unpacked. "Alex I'm going to the store to fill up our fridge, and cabinets." Sylvie called out. I yelled an okay in reply and went back to what I was doing. Sooner or later Piper came in with a feather duster.

"Need help?" She questioned. I turned around and my mouth watered. Sylvie cheated on me a billion times and this house was suppose to be a fresh start but how can I have a fresh start when her hot ass is here.

I licked my lips and swallowed to help my dry mouth. "Uh, sure. You can help me unpack."


When Piper was finished helping me unpack, we talked for a few minutes and joked a lot. I was sitting on top of the bed as Piper was finding something to clean, and I would tease her at organizing almost everything and joked about her having OCD while she would defend herself and say it's her job. I felt a connection with her for some odd reason.

Everything was fine till she had to trip on an empty box and fall right on top of my lap. Her breathing was heavy and my breathing was now shallow. We were close to each other's face then somehow this shy little maid had the guts to kiss me.

The bad part was I kissed back.. actually it wasn't a bad thing. I liked it- no wait- I loved it. It was better than kissing Sylvie, matter of fact- any woman. That was the bad part. I had Sylvie and here I am still kissing this gorgeous blonde beauty.

Next thing I know, my hands had a mind of its own and tore her clothing off...- every... single.. inch.. of.. clothing. Gone. Anything that was keeping me from touching her sweet smooth skin was now on the floor.

Piper ended up doing the same, once our clothes were shredded off of each other Pipers hands made its way straight to my breast as my hands went straight to her ass. I groaned into her mouth as she tugged one of my breasts and moved her lips on to my neck, giving me a large hickey.

I felt Pipers hand sliding between my legs while straddling my lap. I spread my legs wider and her slender fingers slipped in between and into my center.

I moaned hotly against her neck as she sighed at the sensation. This went on for a long time while it was my turn to start doing Piper. I like to say that we both had the most earth shattering orgasm.

We collapsed on top of the bed and started panting hard. "What about Sylvie." Piper said out of breath.


I was about to say something till I heard the front door open. My face turned paler as I looked over to Piper. She looked sick and hurried up to go put some clothes on as I ran into the bathroom and turned the shower on.

I put my head to the door and heard Sylvies footsteps.

"Piper? Where's Alex?"

"Uh- she's in the shower, I'm just helping her unpack."

Then I heard a knock on the bathroom door. "Al?"

My eyes were wide as I quickly and quietly ran into the shower, careful not to get touched by the water.


"I brought pizza! So come down and eat when you're ready." Sylvie said.

"Okay." I said.

I got out the shower and heard footsteps grow distant then a few minutes later I heard a faint knock and a whisper. "Coast clear."

I poked my head out of the bathroom and looked at Piper. "Look I don't want to be your side. The sex probably didn't mean anything and I don't want to get in the way of your future wife out there-"

I snickered. "Are you kidding? You Piper Chapman, give out the most earth shattering orgasms. Sylvie cheated on me since the beginning so our relationship has been over. With you, I feel a strong connection. I'm ending it with her tonight but I think you should leave first." I said smirking.

Piper smiled widely. "Okay Alex, see you tonight."

Piper gave me a slight peck on the lips and went downstairs. I feel like Piper Chapman would be my future wife one day.

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