Red Spots and Chicken Pocks

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I woke up to see a pair of green eyes staring at me. I was startled at first but I smiled at her. "Finally, I was wondering when you were gonna wake up." Alex said.

She kissed me on the tip of my nose and I giggled. "Good morning." I said as she scratched the side of her stomach.

I grabbed her face to give her a kiss but stopped when I realized how hot she was. "Alex you're hot." I said worriedly.

"Mm flattery with get you everywhere, kid." Alex chuckled as she leaned in for the kiss. I backed up and put my hand on her forehead to make her stop but to also feel her temp.

"No, Al. Well yes you are hot, but you're also burning up." I said. She scratched her neck.

"I'm fine, what do you mean!?"

I glared at her and lifted up her shirt. There were red dots everywhere. I pushed her head to the side and saw red dots on her neck too. "Holy shit you have the chicken pocks!" I screamed wide eyed.

"No I don't!." She shrieked as she sat up on the bed.

"Alex I had the chicken pocks when I was twelve, I think I know what it looks like." I said sitting up too.

"I don't have chicken pocks!" She denied still.

"It's either AIDs or chicken pocks, so unless you've been sleeping with some skank and want to say something now, then it's chicken pocks." I said glaring at her, crossing my arms.

Alex scratched the back of her neck. "Maybe it's something else, we'll just go to the doctors."

I rolled my eyes. "Go get ready and I'll make the appointment. Try not to scratch anything."


We were at the hospital, sitting in the doctors office, waiting for Dr.Johnson. Once he arrived he came back with Alex's chart.

"It's chicken pocks." He confirmed.

I turned my head to give Alex that 'I told you so look' and once I looked at her, all the color from Alex's face drained. I instantly felt bad for her.

"I'll prescribe some ointment and please don't scratch anything, it'll cause scars." Dr.Johnson said.

"Thank you Dr." I said.


After we came home from the doctors and pharmacy to get Alex's ointment. Alex went straight to bed and started to sulk.

"Come on big baby, let me put ointment on you."

A huff.

I sighed. "We'll pretend we're on the beach and I'm putting sunblock on you." I said in a tempting tone.

"What's the point when we're not having sex afterwards." Alex said sadly. Voice muffled by the pillow.

I rolled my eyes. "Alex Pearl Vause, get your ass up and take your medicine, I don't want to have to tell you twice! It'll make you feel better goddamnit, please!?" I begged.

She sighed dramatically as she got up. She made a hissing sound as she was about to scratch a specific spot but I swatted her hand away before she did.

"Hey!" She yelled.

"Don't hey me! It'll cause scars." I rubbed the spot she was about to itch and she sighed in satisfaction.

I opened the bottle cap and applied ointment all along her red dotted skin. "That feels nice." Alex hummed.

"Yes, then afterwards I'll make you soup, rub all your itchy spots, and we can watch all your favorite tv shows."

"I should've gotten the chicken pocks a long time ago." Alex teased.

"Ha ha." I faked laughed.

"What did I do to deserve you." Alex asked innocently. My heart ached lovingly for this girl.

"All you did was be yourself. Keep doing that and I'm always yours."

"Always?" She questioned.


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