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I woke up in the morning, sun in my eyes. Where am I? I turn over to see a blond woman facing towards me, sleeping. Damn, who is she? Did we have sex? I lift up the covers and saw that we were in pajamas, not naked. I'm kinda disappointed, I wouldn't mind having sex with her, holy shit!

Slowly I saw her open her eyes. My eyes widened in worry and closed quickly before she sees me awake looking at her. If I was her I wouldn't want a stranger watching me sleep either. I got caught anyway.

"I know you're awake." She said.

"..h-hi," I said.

"Hey, beautiful." She smiled softly. Holy shit.

"Sorry if I sound like an asshole for forgetting but... what's your name? Who are you? And how did I get here!? Was I drunk or something."

"It's okay, you have Alzheimer's so you're not an asshole, even if you don't remember." She said frowning. "My names Piper, I'm your girlfriend, and you live here."

I gasped. "You're my girlfriend!?" I said smiling widely.

"Yeah, I'm pretty happy to be with you too." She said kissing me passionately on the lips.

"Wow, my girlfriends fucking hot," I said with a giggle.

She chuckled, blushing lightly. "You never fail at making me blush."

We got up from the bed and she went into the bathroom and got ready. Seconds later she came out wet with a towel wrapped around her.

"Do we have sex!?" I blurted out embarrassingly making my cheeks hot.

"Of course, even if you don't remember." She said.

I walked up to her. "Can I kiss you?" I asked. She nodded. I leaned in slowly and kissed her passionately. I'm getting this weird sensation in my stomach and my core. I don't know what it is but I kinda like it. I let out an embarrassing noise.

I pulled away and covered my mouth. "Sorry," I said.

"It's okay, you were moaning. It's natural. Here-" She said leading me to the bed, then all of a sudden she dropped her towel. Holy shit! How many times have I said that!? I can't remember. "Let me make you repeat that noise you just made a second ago.. over.. and over.. and over.." She said seductively.


I woke up. I turned around and saw a blond girl staring at me, I screeched. Who the hell is she!? She's hot though. Like really hot. I looked down and saw us naked. What's her name!? I tried to look back and remember but it was all dark and blurry.

Then all of a sudden she kissed me. I stood still wide-eyed but enjoyed it.

"Woah," I whispered. "That was hot... you're hot."

She giggled.

"Thanks, Al."

That's the nickname my mom called me. I don't let anyone else call me that but for her, I'll make an acceptation. What's her name!!! Then it clicked.

"You're welcome, P-Piper," I said.

She stood up shocked.

"What'd you call me!?" She asked.


"I'm sorry was it the wrong name," I said quickly.

"No! No! Say it again!" She said a little more happily.


"Oh my god! Yes! That's right! What'd we just do a while ago!?" She asked.

I tried to remember.

"It's okay if you don't." She said quickly. A little disappointed.

I didn't want to see that disappointment on her face anymore so I tried to remember the hardest.

"You said you were going to make me, make the noise again.. and I did. I don't know how, or what you did though." I said.

She looked at me surprised and happy at the same time. Then all of a sudden a ring came out of nowhere, I looked around.

"Sorry-" She said reaching to the nightstand, grabbing her phone. "-that's my alarm reminding us we have to get ready to go to the doctors for therapy."

"Oh.." I got up. I went into the shower and got cleaned up, then dressed. I was a little cold but I couldn't find my hoodies.

"P-Piper!?" I called out.

"Yes!!?" She answered coming to the door excitedly. I looked at her confusingly.

"I- I can't find" What was I looking for? OH! "-My hoodie! Where is it?"

"In the closet, far back. Not in the drawers." She said as she rummaged through the closet. She took out a white hoodie and gave it to me. "There you go, love." She said.

"Thanks, Pipes." I said smiling.

What I said caught her off guard. She looked at me for a while.

"Le-let's go." She said. I finished putting on the hoodie as she grabbed my wrist and lead me to the car.

"Hey, you all right?" I asked.

"What do you mean?"

"You seem strange."

"Sorry, it's just that.. you remember some things and I'm really happy about it." She said.

We went to the doctors and I had to wait in the waiting room while Piper went to talk about me remembering. A few minutes later she came back sad and disappointed. "They said this will happen for a day. Tomorrow you won't remember." She said disappointingly.

I frowned. We went to therapy and after that came back home. We changed into more comfortable clothes and ate food.

We laid in bed and some memories came back to me. I looked at her. "I remember another thing," I said.

"What's that?" She said sadly, knowing it'll be gone tomorrow.

I leaned in close and whispered in her ear. "How to make you scream my name."

She gasped and a low moan came out. We made love all night like there was no tomorrow since I wouldn't remember the next day.


The next day I woke up to a pair of baby blue eyes staring at me, I love those baby blue eyes. "Hey, Pipes," I said.

She looked at me in shocked and gasped. Tears forming in her eyes. "You remembered." She said.

"Yeah kid, I remember," I said smirking.

// AN;

I know this story isn't accurate on this type of disease, I'm sorry. I wrote this a long time ago, where I had no knowledge of it at all but I wanted to finish it. {I still have no knowledge of it so if it is accurate then yeah} (fixed grammar) 

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