The Bully

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I tied my hair up in a pony tail, grabbed my bag and walked to high school. It was my first day and I'm planning on making.. not a single fucking effort, it's still school.

Once I arrived I went to my assigned locker and put my things away. I was walking in a straight line and everything, until someone decided to bump shoulders with me as everything in that persons hand fell.

I looked at the person who bumped into me and my heart raced. She had black hair, ripped jeans, a flannel, and the most sexiest eyes.

"Watch where you're fucking going!" She snapped. Even though she has the sexiest voice.. all the sexiness flew out the window after she was being rude.

"Maybe if you weren't on your goddamn phone and watch where you were going!" I snapped.

She glared at me, by this time, the halls have been cleared because everyone's gone to class. The persons things is still on the floor.

She slowly walked up to me, I backed up but she kept on stepping into my personal space till I hit the lockers. I will not show her I'm afraid. "Don't..." She said through gritted teeth.

"Then don't fuck with me." I said back.

She chuckled. "You don't know who the fuck I am."

"And you know me!?"

She looked me up and down and licked her lips. "Clearly." She smirked. I blushed and rolled my eyes.

"Move out my way." I snapped. I was going to walk away but her hand met the locker which made her whole arm block my path.

"I'm going to make your life a living hell." She said. She pushed my books down with so much force and went to her pile to pick up the little mess. Then she walked away.

I sighed as I picked up my books. What a cliche. I walked to my class and sat down. Time for hell.

~3 months later (yes 3)~

When I said time for hell I meant it. Alex Vause also meant it when she said she'll make my life a living hell. She messes with my lunch, stole my girlfriend, kissed her right in front of me, pushed me down, knocked books out of my hands, and laughed in my face!

I was in my class after being shoved against the locker for the billionth time. Alex is in the same class with me sadly and kept kicking my chair. "Stop!" I hissed. But all she did was smirk. I asked to go to the bathroom and I was allowed to go.

I ran to the bathroom and started balling my eyes out because I've been holding it in for so long. I turned on the faucet and splashed water on my face. I heard the door open and closed and saw Alex in the mirrors reflection.

"What do you want!?" I turned around and yelled at her.

"Were you crying!?" She asked. Her smile dropped.

"Yes! Yes I was! These past three months I've been trying not to seem weak but you're just doing this for some sick twisted pleasure of yours! Do you like seeing people suffer!?" I shrieked. I started crying again.

I can't believe I'm breaking down in front of her. She came up to me and started hugging me. I tried pushing her away but she wouldn't let me go. So I just gave in and cried in her arms.

Few minutes passed I look at her face and she looks at mine. She wipes my tears with her thumb and smile a small sympathetic smile at me. "I'm sorry." She whispers. Then she leaned in and kissed me straight on the lips.

I wonder which part she's sorry for. The kiss or the bullying. Maybe the sorry was for the bullying and the kiss was to make up for it. Either way I kissed back after a while and it was the best kiss I ever had in my life.

Realization hit me and I moved my face away, but I still let her hold me in her arms. "Why?" I asked. "Why are you such a bitch to me everyday."

"I.. I don't know. The first time I met you, I was already upset. Then I saw your cute adorable face, my heart stopped. I couldn't help but be mean, and I got jealous you had a girlfriend so I had to take her away from you. I would've took you away from her but I was so much of a bitch to you, why would you go out with me?"

I frowned. "Maybe try being nice." I offered. "I would've dated you. The first time I met you, I thought you were hot and attractive until you opened your mouth and started being a bitch." I huffed.

"I'm sorry. Let me make it up? Dinner and a movie?" She asked me. I looked up at her emerald green eyes.

"Sure." I whispered. I couldn't help the smile that formed on my lips.

"Can I kiss you?" She asked adorably.

"Yeah." I said. Alex leaned down and captured my lips with her own. Like I said, what a cliche.

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