23: The Boss

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Layla's POV

I wake up to the sound of an engine and groan. What the hell happened? I remember feeling sick and falling into oblivion, then there was a male figure in the shadows watching me. I hope Liam is safe. I try to open my eyes, but it takes some effort and my head is pounding, one because I knocked my head when I fell and two because I think I was poisoned. How else would I become so sick, so quickly and even if it was just a normal sickness like the cold I wouldn't randomly pass out. Then there's the matter of the person already waiting for me, they knew I would be sick and fall unconscious. Which means there is a traitor in the Northern Pack.

I lay on the ground of the car listening to voices. I try to figure out where I am or who betrayed me. I'm pretty certain that it was the rogue wolf pack that planned my kidnap, but I want to know where I am going. I quickly use some of my wolf abilities, thanks to Nat, to hear the conversations going on in the front of the car.

"I can't believe this worked so well, I thought that this Sona girl would put up more of a fight," A squeaky voice rings back to my ears.

A deep voice replies confidently," Either way we would have gotten her, she is the source of our power now, so we can't let her get away...otherwise the boss will torture and kill us."

"Boys keep your eyes ahead, we are arriving at the gate," An authoritative sounding male commands.

"Yes sir."

"Sorry sir."

"Just get on with it Blakely," The leader, I'm assuming, sighs, bored with the conversation.

"Yes sir," The deep voice replies, I imagine this big buff guy saluting.

I hear Blakely and probably a watch patrol person discussing stuff then we drive through the gates. We stop abruptly, and I hear the leader curse angrily after he bangs his head on the chair.

"What are you doing Blakely?" He growls.

"The boss told me to stop," Blakely retorts.

"Oh, well in that case let's go show him our prize," The leader says composing himself.

"Don't forget we have to give some credit to the newcomer," Squeaky guy mumbles.

"Alright fine, he can have your share of payment Hart," The leader sighs mockingly.

"No, that's not fair," Hart defends himself.

"I don't care let's just show the boss," The leader snaps.

They all get out of the car and then the boot of the car is opened and I am lifted by someone. They carry me for a few minutes then stop and I know we're in front of the leader.

I hear the voice of the boss, the same voice that made the promise all those years ago," Hello boys, good job. You will get your payment tomorrow. Now leave the Sona and me alone."

"Thank you sir," They reply in unison, I am set down on the ground and wobbly as I can't see but soon I steady myself with my other senses.

I hear the gravel crunch under his weight as he steps closer to me, and I stand still, silently hoping he will lose interest and leave. Even though I know that will never happen. His calloused hand runs along my bare arm and I automatically shiver, earning a low snicker. He slowly tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear and I force myself not to react, even though I'm itching to bite him. I feel his hand move to the back of my head where he unties my blindfold and I stand still letting my eyes focus.

I am met with the sight of a man roughly in his late twenties or early thirties, he has light brown hair slicked to the side and yellow-green eyes. For a kidnapper and rogue he is a lot more handsome than I expected. But I shake the thought away when I see his cruel smirk and malicious glint in his eyes.

"What do you think it will feel like when I break the bond between you and your mate?" The boss grins sadistically.

"Will it hurt like being stabbed over and over? That's what I've heard," He keeps going, the grin never leaving his face.

"Oh sorry, it's cold outside let's go in to get warm," He suddenly changes, and I get a bipolar vibe from him.

"My name is Nicholas Azel (A-zel), I can't wait for you to help us in growing powerful," Nicholas introduces himself, and for some reason his friendly side creeps me out more than his evil side.

"Where were we? Oh yes, the part where I will take your virginity and destroy your bond with...Liam." Nicholas says casually, making me feel sick.


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Will Liam come to the rescue, or will she be trapped there forever or will there be a different ending/rescuer?



Third Mate #Wattys2018 (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن