15: Interrogating

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I wake up with Layla in my arms, sighing in awe of her beauty. I sit up a little watching my beautiful mate sleeping peacefully and my mind wanders to thoughts about 'us'. I'm glad that she is giving me a chance, if I was almost raped and betrayed by people I thought loved me I would have shut down and gone into depression. But she is still fighting, and hanging onto the little thread of hope dangling above her.

I slowly get up, watching her to make sure I don't wake her. She stirs slowly and I halt, my breath hitching, she rolls over and gently snores allowing me to sigh in relief. I walk to the cupboard and grab a grey button up shirt and dark blue jeans, today I'm going to interrogate the wolf who attacked us last night. 

"Hey handsome," Layla purrs seductively, smirking at me in a proud way.

"Good morning princess," I respond, raising a questioning eyebrow.

"So what are we gonna do today?" She asks innocently, not hiding the fact she's checking me out.

"Are you trying to turn me on?" I retort suspiciously

"Maybe...." she winks 

"What has gotten into you?" I ask incredulously

"Well I am on my period and sometimes I get really horny and stuff, it sucks for you....oh and Nat usually likes to surface," she grins wickedly, her chocolate brown eyes shining with mischief.

"Oh come on Layla! You're making this so hard on me" I sigh throwing my hands in the air, exasperated.

"What do you mean?" she asks concern written on her face.

"Red is making it very difficult for me not to mark and mate you, and now you are going to become horny!" I explain, pacing the room.

"Oops," she shrugs carelessly

"Okay, well I'm going to go interrogate the prisoner you can go downstairs and have brekky. If anyone asks who you are introduce yourself normally but say you are here as a representative for the sonas," I inform her seriously, looking her straight in the eye to make sure she is paying attention.

"Yes sir" she salutes, grinning at me broadly.

"Good, I'll see you in about an hour or 2" I say kissing her forehead gently

"Thank you baby, I'm sorry for being difficult. Am I allowed to come down and help?" she asks kissing me passionately.

"What? Maybe, no I don't think you should" I reply processing the question and kiss as I talk.

"Fine" she huffs turning away from me.

"Baby don't be like that!" I sigh crossing my arms over my broad chest.

"Well then call me after you have him settled or whatever, I want to know why he tried to attack us as well. And don't forget I can read his mind...." she smirks, knowing she has got me cornered. 

"Fine, you can come but don't go near him" I warn, pulling her to my chest protectively.

Once Layla is dressed we head downstairs, greeting the pack members we meet. A little pup comes up to Layla and tugs on her dress shyly. Layla bends down to the pup's height and picks her up resting the pup on her hip.

"Hello, what's your name?" Layla asks gently

"Violet, you're a sona aren't you?" Violet asks softly

"Yes I am, why were you wondering?" Layla asks

"Well I was wondering if werewolves could be sonas as well?" she answers nervously, looking down at the ground.

"Well I don't know any, but it could be possible. Are you one?" Layla says

"Maybe, my wolf says I am" Violet says smiling a little

"Okay, well maybe you, me and beta Liam can all go out later and see if you do have powers" Layla suggests

"Okay, can't wait" she says happily

"Well, we'd better go and see our prisoner" I say grabbing Layla's hand

"Okay, bye Violet" Layla shouts

We walk outside to a building about the size of a small house, it's walls made of brick and reinforced with steel. We walk into the entrance and instantly the smell of rotting meat, and blood hit us in the face, Layla stumbles back a little and I wrap my arm around her waist steadying her.

We walk down the stairs and the guards let us in to the cells, I hear shouts and cries but block them out efficiently. But when I look over to Layla, her face is scrunched up in disgust, and pain. I ask her if she wants to go back but she shakes her head defiantly, and we continue walking. I open up the cell to the wolf from last night and see him chained and tied up, he lifts his head and smirks.

"Good I get visitors" he laughs sarcastically

"Why did you attack us last night?" I ask sternly

"It's for me to know and you to never find out" his smirk widens

"Who are you?" I say threateningly, taking a step towards him.

"James Parker" he answers

"Why did you attack us last night? You will answer or we will rip the answers from you" I growl, my eyes turning red.

"Not your business" he rolls his eyes.

"Layla, if you may" I say letting Layla step forward.

"Letting a beautiful woman do your job, pathetic" James spits

Layla closes her eyes, as I clench my jaw and reads his mind. In a spilt second her eyes are snapped open and bright blue....Natasha.

"What happened baby?" I ask concerned

"No! no, no... this can't be happening" Natasha screams, then she is out cold......


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Cliffhanger.  Please don't hate me

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Cya Bookworms

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