"She's awake?" Jungkook whispered. The two boys turned and saw a glazed over expression and no sign of a smile.

"Yeah." Jimin huffed. Taehyung turned to him and the blond immediately turned away, coughing. Well, fake coughing.

"What's wrong." Taehyung sighed crossing his arms over his chest again.

"Nothing, noth-"

"Stop LYING!" He growled, shocking the living daylight out of Jimin, Jungkook and a few other people milling around. He cleared his throat and continued again. "Stop. Lying." he repeated, glaring at the boy.

Damn, he is really hot when he's scary.

(a/n : you can choose who you thought said that ;))

"I-" Jimin thought about lying, but then again, he didn't want another scary growling. "She, uh, she has slight amnesia." Jungkook tilted his head in confusion and Taehyung raised a brow, either not understanding or waiting for him to go on. "She, um...

BasicallyshethinksJungkookisstillherboyfriendbutheisn'tthat'swhat'swrongbecauseI'mreallysadandconfusdsoyeah." He finished quickly, hoping neither boy would catch a single word of that.

"She still thinks I'm her boyfriend?" Jungkook gasped and then slumped, running a stressed hand through his straight, brown hair before walking off down the hallway. He turned around abruptly. "Can I see her?"

Jimin's heart dropped.

Taehyung's heart dropped too.

"Why?" They both said at the same time. After exchanging glances, they sighed simultaneously.

"You know what I'm going to I don't need to ask your permission." And before either of the boys could protest, Jungkook pushed the door to room 248 open.

Dr. Bong Gi was still in there, sat in a stiff white chair that was left beside the bed. Jimin's bag and books were sprawled out on a tiny table on open on a softer looking armchair by the window. Except, Jungkook didn't notice that.

Colour had returned to her cheeks and the sun was already beginning to set. He was so excited to get out of class, just so that he could see her.

Dance, his mind blurted at him.



Jungkook groaned inwardly, at least he thought it was inwards.

"Jungkook?" A small, sweet voice called from the bed and the doctor turned.

"Ah. I'll go." He smiled and stood. "Is Jimin out there? I need to tell him how she's doing."


Jungkook cleared his throat before smilin and replying with yes as the doctor walked out.

"Hey." He turned back to the girl on the bed with sad eyes. His heart wasn't beating. He didn't know who it beat for anymore.

"Hi Kook." Smiling, her cheeks puffed up and her eyes smiled too, forcing Jungkook to smile back and sit himself in the white chair. "I can't really move I-"

"You broke a rib yeah I know." He smiled softly at her, taking in her eyes, open and glittering. He couldn't help it, he lifted his hand and pushed some hair out of her eyes and stroked her cold cheek. "How are you feeling?"

"Better now that you're here." She let out a huff that was probably meant to be a laugh. Jungkook tried smiling but it faltered.

You're not her boyfriend.

You're not her boyfriend.

You're not-

"Seulgi?" He suddenly said. She was already looking at him so she just smiled.

A lot of smiling today.

"Do you remember Christmas?" He shuffled his chair to face her better and saw her eyebrows burrowed in confusion.

"Um..." It was weird. It was as if her memories had been sliced into bits and thrown around, some staying and some disappearing. And as of right now, she couldn't remember anything except going home. "I went home."

"Before that? Do you remember? Maybe you can Jimin visited mine and Tae's place?" Maybe he loved her. Maybe he loved Taehyung. But she needed her memories back, she can't be going around thinking they're still together and twisting his heart like that.

"I-I don't remember." Her head hurt. It was hard, racking for memories that didn't seem to be there. "I'm sorry."

"Nonono don't be sorry." He smiled sadly at her, brushing her cheek one more time before standing.

"Rest well."

Then he left the room.

Why is everyone acting like this?

Seulgi was confused and hurt, she'd just woken up, and she had to wake up to this?

Did she do something wrong?


lmao why is it while I was writing this fake love came on shuffle ahaha

thx for reading !!


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