➣ Sixteen

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bangtan's new hair colors.


ok on with the story :)

When Jimin woke up the next morning, it was quiet, too quiet. He got up earlier that day, in time to eat some breakfast but when he walked out into the kitchen, there was no girl, but only a piece of paper.

Out for breakfast with Kook and Taehyung. - Seulgi

He sighed loudly, upset and frustrated. She knew that it was Taehyung and Jungkook that hurt him right? The reason she felt compelled to give him a hug the night before? Before he could let the regrets take him over, Jimin grabbed and apple out of the fridge and decided to reach school a little earlier that day. 

Okay, maybe a lot earlier.

By the time he reached the cobblestone building, he had bitten the last bit of his crunchy apple. He threw it into a nearby bin and scanned the courtyard for a comfortable place to sit. As he travelled along the dewy morning grass, he spotted several students, most of them unknown to him, but some he remembered for the previous day of classes. There were two faces he found that he would never forget.

Hoseok and Yoongi. 

They were sat side by side, a little too close then friends would be, but Jimin cast that thought away when he caught the red head's eye as he waved him over. Jimin casually walked over to where the other two were sitting against the wall by the stairs.

"Hey Park." Yoongi spoke coolly, but Jimin had to fight the urge to grin when he saw the excited glint in the older boy's eye.

"I thought you graduated hyung? And where's Namjoon did he drop out or something?" He took a seat on the other side of Yoongi, slipping his bag off in the process.

"Namjoon's never early, but he'll be here." The blue haired boy spoke again, ignoring Jimin's first question. "I should go. Jin hyung wants to go shopping." He stood up and brushed the non-existent dust off from his navy sweatpants. 

"Bye hyung! Have fun shopping." Hoseok called out brightly to the retreating back of his hyung. Yoongi had to bite his lip to stop the cheeky smile from breaking onto his face as he pocketed his warm hands and calmed his electrified heart.

"So," He spoke, turning to the younger one next to him, "How's life?"

Jimin knew what he meant. "I-I think I messed up last night. She's mad at me." 

"What why?" Curious, Hoseok turned and crossed his legs to face the sad boy next to him. 

"After our talk last night, I was confused and all the way home, this weird tension was building up in me. When I went home, I expected her to be sleeping, but she wasn't. She was sat in her pyjamas, half asleep, almost slipping into her mug of water, waiting for me to come home. Just to give me a hug." His heart cracked at the thought of little Seulgi with her arms wrapped around him sleepily.

"A hug~?"

"Jungkook spilled my life story to her. At least, what he knew about it. About Taehyung and the cheating and the problems at home." He sighed and lolled his head to his right to make eye contact with the older one.

"Oh." Hoseok replied with. 

"It's hard, loving a person new when you think you still love the person you did before. And if they're different genders. I got protective of myself." 

"Huh." Short replies weren't usually Hoseok's thing so Jimin knew something was up.

"Hey hyung, can I ask you something? About Joy." The blond sat up from the wall and crossed his legs to face the opposite of the red head. He didn't wait for a reply. "Do you really love her? Like with all your heart?"

"Of course." Hoseok blurted out, furrowing his eyebrows, the corners of his lips turning down. Deep down though, he knew it probably wasn't true. He's always had this special connection with Yoongi, one he didn't realise was probably love until recently, after he got with Joy. He had a connection with her too, of course, he did love her after all. At least, he thought he did.

"Okay." Jimin answered, sensing the underlying tension. He wanted to press further, knowing there was more to the answer, but stopped short when a sudden bright smile popped back onto the other one's expression as he looked to a distance ahead of him. Jimin followed his gaze and instantly a frown etched itself onto his face, but it quickly washed off when he noticed it.

"Hey hyung!" Taehyung called brightly, walking on the right of Jungkook and Seulgi, who were in a little animated conversation of their own. "Hey." The brightness of his tone died down when he acknowledged the blond on the floor.

"Hey Jimin, hey hyung." Jungkook smiled calmly when he reached where they were sitting. Jungkook was broad and built and honestly quite attractive. But he was nothing compared to what Taehyung was. 

"Hey." Jimin nodded in acknowledgement before he tentatively turned to the girl, who had been ignoring him the whole morning. "Hey Seulgi." He dared to speak to her, but when she turned to him, she didn't smile, nor did she frown. Her gaze was cold and blocked off, the warmness from the night before all gone. She played it off like they were okay, with a subtle nod in his direction, but the other three could feel the tension.

"Classes start soon. We should go." Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's wrist and dragged him into the building, his heart thumping from what he just witnessed. 

They were perfectly fine the last time I checked?

Suddenly, something else filled his chest, something dark: guilt. He didn't know why he felt guilty, but as he streamed through the crowding halls with the boy from that night in his hand, he realised why. 

After Jimin left him, he was hurt, broken, but he was also mad. And when he found Jimin and Seulgi being all friendly the day before, he was jealous. He had cursed them at lunch when they sat by themselves and laughed about things like they were best friends. He hated seeing them happy. But now? When he saw the way the sunshine that radiated from Seulgi dissipated in front of him when Jimin acknowledged her, that's when the guilt started to bloom.

He felt like it was all his fault that they were on bad terms.

But that's what he'd always wanted. He wanted Jimin for himself, even when he couldn't have him. He wanted Jimin under his spell, trapped in his heart forever, with no space for Jimin to love another.

But he wanted Jimin to be happy, didn't he?

Is that why he felt guilty?

When he took a seat in the desk next to Jungkook in English Lit that morning, he wasn't focused. His thoughts kept bouncing back to the subtle, frigid glare that hit Jimin that morning, from a girl he had just been hanging out with earlier.

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