➣ Seven

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Oh shit.

The last time Jimin played spin the bottle was with-


And let's just say, that was one of the best nights of his life.


Nevertheless, Jimin couldn't be bothered to give a fuck, knowing that this time would be way different, so he played anyways, but there was still that voice at the back of his head telling him to be careful.

"Let's start." Taehyung teased, and Jimin's heart began to ache. How he had missed that cheeky box smile that used to be for him, but now... it's not. He watched his ex's slender fingers grasp the green tinted, glass bottle and spin it. A light ring rung throughout the circle. "This one's for Jimin." 


It spun, and spun and spun.

And it stopped.

In front of...



"Jungkook-ah," Jimin peered up to the boy who's eyes were blown wide. Nervously, the young brunette gulped and cast a sideways glance at Taehyung, who actually seemed unbothered and quite excited to see what would happen. 

I've always wondered what Jimin tastes like, Jungkook thought as he began to crawl forwards to Jimin. 

Jimin on the other hand, was kind of a nervous wreck. As the boy neared him, he glanced towards Seulgi who had now slightly calmed down, but was smiling softly at him with a little drunken touch. He then risked a look at Taehyung, from which he got only a tilt of the silver boys head, his soft hair brushing to one side as he awaited the kiss.

Suddenly, Jimin felt a light weight on his knee and he snapped back to the boy in front of him. 

"Are you okay with this?" Whispered Jungkook as he inched closer to the blond. 

"Fuck it." Jimin laughed with a low grumble, and as a smile formed on Jungkook's soft lips, Jimin pulled him in for a rough, sloppy kiss. After breaking apart, everyone could feel the tension release from every cell in their drunk bodies. "Was it good enough?" Jimin chuckled as Jungkook, dazed and surprised crawled back to his place next to Taehyung. 

It was silent for some time, making both boys blush with embarrassment.

"Damn, that was hot!" Namjoon finally broke out making Jin laugh.

Which, in turn, made everyone laugh.

Who could resist Jin's windshield wiper laugh?

"Okay, okay! Next! This one's for Yoongi!" Hoseok laughed, making the sleepy drunk boy come to attention. 

"Wait wha-" Before he could finish, Hoseok had already spun the bottle and the boy was left waiting for it to stop.

"Yoongi hyung." Jungkook watched the bottle spin with the utmost amount of fear in his eyes and when Yoongi turned to see the brunette next to him, he almost burst out laughing. In Jungkook's hand was another bottle of beer though, and the blue haired boy couldn't help but be grateful that someone wanted to help him.

I don't even know if I'm straight or not.

After what felt like an eternity, the bottle stopped spinning. Yoongi had shut his eyes tight when it slowed down, afraid of who it would point to. But when the ringing of the glass against the hard floor stopped, no one said anything. In fact, it seemed like the whole club went silent, when there were still people drinking and dancing just a couple of meters away.

Finally, he decided to open his eyes and his jaw nearly fell out of place when he saw who was on the other end of the bottle. 

"Umm..." Yoongi coughed, the thought of just running out of there was very, very tempting at that exact moment. Shifting in his place, suddenly extremely uncomfortable, he looked up to the person on the other end of the bottle, who also looked very nervous. 

Everyone stayed silent, the tension once again growing.

"You have to do it guys." All heads turned to the cheeky silver haired boy. "C'mon, there's nothing going on, right? I mean Jungkook and Jimin did it, so why can't you guys?" He smirked. No one could argue. It's Taehyung after all. "Nothing to it. Just 5 seconds."

"Fine." Sounded the voice on the other end, sending shocks of fear and surprise at Yoongi's heart. They whisper something to the person beside them before crawling over to the frozen blue haired boy. 

"You know that I know right?" Whispered the person in front of him. Yoongi licked his lips and a fraction of a second later, he felt warm lips on his cold ones and it stayed that way for the longest 5 seconds of his life. When they broke free, everyone's jaws were on the ground. "Sweet, like sugar." Winked the person Yoongi had just kissed, before they slinked back to their seat.

Oh my God.

I think I'm gay.

Yoongi panicked silently to himself, his eyes wider than ever, his body more awake than ever. 


So that's what Hoseok tastes like.

The game continued, everyone laughing and getting so drunk. Seulgi had kind of calmed down, especially after she had to kiss Jin. 

It was a quickie, but she couldn't help but feel extremely flustered.

That guy was hot.

Like way hot.

And the way he winked at her after?

Jimin who?

Jungkook didn't get anymore action for some time, until the bottle pointed at him to kiss Taehyung. He was excited but then-

"Jungkook-ssi, make it quick." Whilst he was still confused, Jungkook was suddenly pulled into the worst kiss he's ever had by the boy who had mastered kissing. He knew that there's nothing special between them but still, it hurt him to see Taehyung lean back into his comfortable position with not even a lick of the lips.

Like Jungkook was nothing.

The rest of the group was tense again, until Seulgi went to spin the bottle again. 

"For Taehyung!" She squealed with delight, spinning the bottle for the final person of the first round.

It spun once again, it's ringing exciting but terrifying all the same.

Then it stopped and everyone's hearts stopped.


"Taehyung." Jungkook nudged the knee of the once smirking boy next to him and turned to face him. For a couple of moments, all was silent, and the silver haired boy swallowed nervously. "You have to do it." 

"I know." Taehyung growled weakly as he lifted his eyes to meet the winner of his kiss.


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