September 30th

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Hi hi! Song used is the black butler season 3 (book of circus) opening (Enamel by Sid) English version (Glipper Berry)

Chimi here with the last post of this book. I have had fun writing something for each day of the month. I hope I was able to help or make you smile or laugh. I really hope you enjoyed at least one of these thirty posts.  I can hardly believe that it has been 30 day, a month, since I first decided to start writing this. So much has happened, I remember each time I made a post, the feelings and how long it took to write them (even though they are short).

I am think of doing this again next year, however I would love to have the input from anyone and everyone reading this. Would someone like me to share something of theirs? Or perhaps maybe the music choice? Or maybe more pictures? I just want to know how I can improve and make next years better for the people who read what I write.

Even with the month over, I will still be here to listen if anyone wants to message me. I will always be trying my hard to help.
I wish that everyone is able to find something to make them happy and smile.

So I guess that is all Chimi has to write. This may seem like the end, but it is only the beginning. Just remember that sometimes it only takes one insignificant (is in small not meaningless) act of kindness, something you may not even think about, but it could mean the world to another. It is often the simplest of kind acts that keep the good of humanity going forward.

In a few more hours National suicide prevention awareness month will be over, September will be gone and October will take its place. To all the charities and the people who gave this month their all, and to those who will continue even after;
And to those who are alive, thank you for being here, thank you for being you, thank you for living even if you don't always want to.

For now goodbye and have a great day, week, month, year! Chimi out~

National suicide prevention awareness month 2018Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt