September 13th

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Hi hi! Today I when to a talk that someone gave about fear.

I liked it (thought at times it felt too boring) and I thought that it tied in well with what I wanted to say today.

Yesterday I mentioned at one point, That I had an extremely bad fear of look of feeling my wrist. I am now ok with them, but that was because of steps I took to face my fear. After going to this talk, I understand that a lot of fear is actually just us thinking 'what if this happens' or 'that could happen'. Most of what we think will happen will, never happen, but because we have this thought, we believe it, creating a fear. For me I knew my fear was....irrational, and this made me feel a lot of negative emotions. If I learnt anything from my past it is that when you except nothing terrible will happen, and that it's ok to feel whatever emotion you feel, then you will be able to face yourself instead of hiding from yourself.

It's ok not to be ok! It's ok to talk! If you need anyone to listen to you, then just message me. I may not BEABLE to reply straight away, but I will definitely reply before 24 hours (probably before 12 hours).

Hope you have a great day, week, month, year! Chimi out~

Song used- The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy

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