September 2nd

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Hi hi! For today's post I would like to mention emeraldsangel456 she does a great poem about bullying. Check it out! I think it is an important topic that pairs very well with the focus of this month.

Chimi once got bullied (long ago) thought I was not badly bullied I can still understand how it effects people.

Now on to something happy!

Now on to something happy!

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These two are Mr Quackers and Clifford

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These two are Mr Quackers and Clifford. They have been with me longer than I can remember. To me I see them a type of 'security blanket' I feel safe with them around. I talk to my stuffed toys! I admit it! I have been called weird, given looks that say sooo much more, even one of my parents (who has supported my with a lot of stuff) said it was weird if me. But no matter what anyone says it does not matter to be, as there opinions do not define me.

Everyone has their own way to feel safe, calm, and themselves. Getting called names, given hurtful look, and just feeling like it's wrong can hurt, but if it makes you feel like your you then don't stop! There will always be someone trying to judge you. That life. However letting their words and unneeded (and probably uninformed) opinions get to you will not help anyone. It is hard not to let it bother you or stick to you like glue, but the worst thing that could actually happen is that you stop being you.

If anyone reading this feels like this, just remember that you are special and unique (even if your a twin 🙃). That there is someone out there that will see the 'weird' part of you and think that it is the most amazing part. There will be someone who will listen to your story, someone who will not judge you or your story. Someone who will make you see the best parts of your self when you can only see the bad.

If your still reading by this point, thank you. I hope that if anyone has experienced or is experiencing anything that I have mentioned, that you know;
that you are you, and that makes you perfect
everyone has faults, but are faults make us human
are faults make us us, accept the good and the bad is hard
but it is why we were not meant to figure it out alone

It's ok not to be ok! It's ok to talk! If you need anyone to listen to you, then just message me. I may not BEABLE to reply straight away, but I will definitely reply before 24 hours (probably before 12 hours).

Hope you have a great day, week, month, year! Chimi out~

Song above is rise by Katy Perry

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