Chapter 1

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Mark brought us to grandmas house. Katy and I only felt safe here because grandma knew what Mark would do. It pains me every time I think of it. I told her about that night he hurt me, he was drunk so I didn't think that much of it and it was only a slap on the face. Little did I know that was the start of something bigger. Soon after he'd come home later and drink at home then inside the pub. Katy was eight when the beatings started on her, I couldn't let that happen to her so one night when Mark came home looking for Katy I told him she was at a friends house when I really told her to hide in the closet.

Mark got so mad I disobeyed his rules that I had to sleep in the basement with no food for as many days until Katy 'came back'. That same night she ran down the stairs out of breath saying that Mark found her. I turned on the light to see her face was black and blue. I held her close crying. Mark came down the stairs stomping, I turned the light off and I told Katy to hide again she hid behind the old sofa that was pushed against the wall. That night... I lost my Virginity when I was fourteen.

I cried so much that night, all the blood... Katy and I knew we had to get out.

Grandma is what me and Katy called Marks mother, she wasn't anything like Mark she was actually the opposite.

Today is said to be the day.

Or at least that's what grandma says, she's planed this for two years now. She told me a Katy there will be a day where we are free from Mark.

Today, December 14th 2015. The day we'll be free. Once Mark dropped us off at grandmas' house we began what seemed like to be a big weight lifted off our shoulders.

Grandma gave Katy and I both big coats for the brutal winter ahead. Apparently tonight's going to be a snow storm, grandma set a plan on saying the police evacuated all children to the nearest shelters, but that wasn't going to happen because police won't come.

Grandma gave Katy and I big book bags filled with stuff we'll need like food and a change of clothes. Stuff to keep us warm if we don't find a place fast enough, and other stuff that's really helpful.

Grandma gave me money to keep us going. She told me to spend it on something meaningful, I thought of the stuff I could buy with 100£ a bus ride, food if we ran out, a hotel room...?

It took us an hour to get everything ready, and then it was time.

Katy and I hugged grandma so tight I think we broke her back, I thanked her about a thousand times.

I opened the door to feel the cold air on my face, I fixed Katy's scarf so she wouldn't get sick. I looked back at grandma seeing her smiling to herself but tears came down her face.

I held Katy's hand and she held on mine tight.

"Thank you" I say one last time before we walk out.

I look back to the outside seeing the street lights turn on, it's time.

We walk out and close the door behind us,

"We're free?" Katy questioned, as her little voice got higher as she spoken.

"We're free." I smiled, knowing Katy and I are safe.

We walked on the sidewalk and headed away from the City, the only way to truly get away from Mark is to leave without a trace.

Katy pulled on my arm braking my train of thought. I look as white ice drops on her face. She sneezes, but smiles after.

I know it's just one sneeze but she could already be getting sick.

I look forward as I see a bright light and a sign "Welcome to Mullingar" I read.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2014 ⏰

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