Chapter 15: Dragons Never Die

Start from the beginning

My head began to hurt the more I used the relic, there was simply too much extra information that got poured into my head. With the vault found, and Drag distracting the students and staff, I went in and found a tall golden wooden door that when touched retracted its wooden planks. I then retrieved the relic of choice, a large ornate ax with a second head on the back, that was floating above a carved tree stump in the middle of an open grassy plain. With it in hand I left and ordered everyone outside to freeze, and so they did, a smile crossed my face. I went over to Drag and told him we were leaving, after getting far away from Patch I told him to stop, so he landed in the forest of Forever Fall.

Drag: "My lord, forgive my question, but should we not return to Salem as soon as possible?"

(F/N): "There is nothing to forgive Drag, you are allowed to ask questions and it's a fair question which the answer to is yes." I lift up the relic of choice. "That said, I would be giving up something beyond powerful to someone I don't fully trust."

Drag: "Then what will you do my lord?"

(F/N): "Simple." I sit down and hold the relic of knowledge. "I'll learn if I can." I look over to him. "I'll need you to watch over me as I do."

Drag: "As you command."

As Drag goes on watch I peer into the relic, with my magic as the key I open it and my mind to the answer I seek. With enough practice I hope that I can become more adept at using the relic and pulling specific information at will without the useless bits of information. When my question was answered, when I put the events and information into order, I couldn't help but shed a tear for Salem. A pure burning hatred formed inside me, now more than ever I wanted Ozpin to die. I saw before me a woman betrayed, a jealous man, and two gods who didn't see the truth till it was too late to make things right. I pulled a bit more information from the relic before I stopped using it.

Drag: "My lord? Are you alright?" I wipe the tears out of my eyes.

(F/N): "I'm fine."

Drag: "But your tears, does it hurt to use the relic?"

(F/N): "No, that's not why I'm crying." I stand up, the relics disappear as they enter my body. "I'm grateful that you're concerned but there is no time for that, we're heading to the north of Mistral."

Drag: "As you say, my lord." He extended his wings like before, but his legs gave in.

(F/N): "Drag!" I dash over, his scales felt sickly. "God, they weren't like this a moment ago."

Drag: "I'm fine, your concern is-" He barely managed to stand before falling once more.

(F/N): "Hold on for just a moment." I brought out the relic of knowledge and searched within it for an answer.

Drag: "My lord, please do not waste your time and strength on me."

(F/N): "You're..." I drop the relic in a moment of disbelief. "You're dying because of me." I look to him, he avoided looking at me. "And you knew it."

Drag: "I do not blame you, I blame myself for not being able to save you-"

(F/N): "Stop that! Stop saying my lord! Stop making it sound like you're expendable! You're not! You're... you're... you're all I have left." My eyes started to water. "They died, and as a result you came into this world... you saved me... all you've done is help me... if anyone should be called lord it should be you, that's how much I owe you." His eyes told me he was earnest in his surprise.

Drag: "My l- I mean... (F/N), your words mean a great deal to me. Were it someone else they'd more than likely have me worked to death, caring none at all about my health." He moved his head closer. "I call you my lord not because you own me, but because I believe you are worthy of it."

RWBY: Pale HeartWhere stories live. Discover now