"Eustass-ya." Law chuckled "It seems you treasure this woman, just how much?" 

"Look Law, just give us back Tsukiko. I'm not responsible for anything my captain does." Another voice rang out. Killer. 

Law smirked. "She's very, very pretty you know." 

The line was silent. Law's smirk grew. "She's also very deadly." Killer's voice rang out with a chuckle. "You see, we know her better than anyone. She's very intelligent, she can be sneaky and when she wants, she can be the devil himself." 

Law jumped when Sachi screamed and a blade held to his throat.The green haired woman stood behind Sachi, her red eyes almost glowing bright red. "Bring this thing up and take me back to my crew or he DIES." Tsukiko snarled, her wounds reopening with every movement. 

"She'll slaughter your whole crew, bring her back to me." Kid snarled

Law smirked. "To you? Is there a romance there? It would be hilarious to see the headlines Eustass Kid's lover dies at the hands of Trafalger Law.

Law frowned when Tsukiko didn't blush or looked surprised. "My captain is simply that. MY. CAPTAIN." Tsukiko said. "NOW TAKE ME UP!" she shouted as her blade cut into his crewmates throat. 

"Fine." He said nodding to Bepo. "We will be up within the hour." 

"If not, sink the damn ship Kid." Tsukiko said glaring at Law as she let the man go. She walked out of the room, Law following her. "What do you want?" 

"I need to look at your wounds." He said grabbing her arm. "I told you to rest." 

Tsukiko ripped her arm away. "NO. I'll rest when I am on MY fucking ship. Not your tin piece of shit." 

"At least let me tend to your wounds." Law said looking into her eyes. Her red eyes glared at him as she raised an eyebrow at his softened expression. "I won't put you under. It'll hurt but you can watch me the whole time." 

Tsukiko nodded. "Fine." 

Ten minutes later Tsukiko laid on the table, her shirt rolled just below her breasts. Law had gloves on and a mask. "May I ask you questions?" 

"Sure." Tsukiko sighed, yet again rolling her eyes. Something about Law just annoyed her. 

"Where did you get this?" Law asked as he grazed over the scared marking on her right hipbone. 

"It was a slave mark, I escaped him. Killed him. Then tried to erase everything from it which consisted of trying to carve it off of me." Tsukiko bit her lip when he took the stitches out, her skin felt like it was on fire as he poured something on her wound. 

"How did you meet Silver Rayleigh?" He asked remembering they interacted at the auction house. 

"He saved me from slavery." she replied simply.

"How old are you?" Tsukiko glared at him. "It's for medical purposes." Law started. 


Law hummed and kept working. "Why did you join the Kid Pirates." 

"Why all the questions?" Tsukiko shot back. After what he did, she didn't trust him. 

"Just trying to keep your mind off the pain." he said looking at her. "You're digging your nails into her palms, I know it hurts." Law started looking at her. "So why the Kid Pirates?" 

"Small town, didn't accept me. They came in as I killed a bunch of bandits in a bar, Kid liked me and asked me to join." She replied, rolling her eyes and wincing when he started putting the new stitches in. "So am I going to have to go see anther doctor to get these out?" 

"I'm sure Killer knows how, he said he's your ships doctor." Law said looking at her, wrapping her abdomen in gauze. 

Tsukiko nodded. "Thank you." Tsukiko said as he helped her up, he handed her a few items and instructed her how to clean it. 

"If you need anything, Please give me a call, you'll have a number to reach me at with my transponder snail." Law said as Bepo announced they were reaching the surface. "Medical and non-medical." Law smirked

"Are you hitting on me?" Tsukiko snorted at him, rolling her eyes. 

"No, just simply telling you that the Kid pirates aren't the only pirates to chose from." Law said smirking as he walked out. Tsukiko winced as she walked behind the doctor. Her shirt in her arms as it was bloody and cut up. she only wore her shorts and boots. Her chest was bandaged up along with her stomach. Law opened the door to the outside, Tsukiko held her hand up from the sun as it blinded her. 

"Tsukiko!" the woman looked over and saw Heat and Killer looking at her, relief in their faces. Tsukiko gave a small smile as she saw Kid on the ship, her arms crossed and an unhappy expression when he looked at Law. "I'm alright. Let's go." Killer wasted no time in discarding his shirt to throw over her shoulders so she was shielded from the perverts on Law's crew. 

Just as Tsukiko was getting on board Kid's ship Law called out to her. "Tsukiko-ya, remember the choices." Tsukiko paused, looking at him before flipping him off and letting Kid sweep her into his arms and gently setting her on deck. 

"Thanks for helping Law, next time you kidnap me. I'll let Kid and Killer sink your hunk of junk. I can swim. You can't." 

Killer and Kid helped her to her bed, Kid stayed behind when Killer said he was going to start breakfast. "I'm sorry." Tsukiko mumbled. "I feel like I am a damsel in destress. 

"You aren't. I mean you ARE a pain in the ass, but you're worth it." Kid laughed as she struggled to get comfortable. Kid reached around her, their faces close as he tucked a pillow near he lower back. Tsukiko's eyes looked into Kid's amber eyes, she thought he moved closer to her, his eyes flickering to her lips for a second before he stood up. "Get some rest, you'll be on look out tomorrow night." Kid said before leaving her room. 

Tsukiko rubbed her eyes, she felt so tired she was delusional. She didn't want Kid to kiss her, right? 



Hello beauties!

Sorry It's been awhile, lately I've lost all motivation to write. My job had been hell and sucked the life out of me. I have a job interview Monday so hopefully things go well there then I'll have weekends off and more time to write!

Sea of Blood {One Piece: Kid x OC}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt