Where is My Friend Ashley?

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Ashley: Oh so you're just gonna act like we weren't best friends right? Just because I had sex with someone?

Jhamie: Friends don't keep secrets from friends. You lied to me. You told me you were still a virgin. You betrayed me. You betrayed my mother. We had virgin charms.

Ashley: Jhamie, I made a mistake. Ok!
I didn't just wake up and say let me do this with him. Jhamie, I didn't even know the guy.

Jhamie: What?

Ashley: I needed money Jhamie. We're really struggling. I checked my DM that day and he seemed like a nice person, so I told him what I was going through. He was just supposed to stop by to give me a little money.

Jhamie: Are you kidding me. That's dangerous.

Ashley: Just let me finish. When he got here, to my house, he reneged and said I would have to sleep with him to get the money. So I accepted the offer J. I needed the money. This hair money's not helping my mom pay our bills.

Jhamie: Oh my God! My dad could've loaned your mom something. Something else could've happened. We could've made it work Ash.

Ashley: I just swallowed everything I knew to do rightly and any gave him what he wanted. So, He said if I didn't continue having sex with him, he would tell everyone I know.

Jhamie: You need to give him his money back and tell your mom girl.

Ashley: No, it was both of our decision. I actually like him a lot now.

Jhamie: He's black mailing you. He's a coward Ashley and he doesn't know what love is. How many other girls is he doing that to?

Ashley: At the end of the day, my mom's bills are being paid, I have a friend in him and we're kinda in a good relationship. We barley do anything now, just talk on the phone.

Jhamie: I don't care. He's not a good person if he bought sex from you and threatened to expose you.

Ashley: That's what I said too, but he's really changing. I think we're in love.

Jhamie: Girl he could have some type of disease. You are so dumb; Just giving your self to some Instagram random.
I guess I don't know you that good.

Ashley: Don't say that J. It was just a mistake that turned into something good.
Plus, we always use protection and I'm gonna tell my mom about him when I turn 18.

Jhamie: Girl that's 3 years from now. Anything can happen to you before then.

Ashley: I know. I'm just gonna think positive and save mom the stress.
He's young Jhamie, he was just following the males he looked up to. But like I said, he's changed.

Jhamie: Look I gotta run. We'll finish our conversation another time.

Ashley: Later J.

Things will never be the same between Ash and I. All this time I thought I knew her, but I guess I really don't. I would've never called such a stupid person my best friend. Maybe I'm being judgmental and unforgiving, but I just can't get that image of her and him out of my head. Hearing the back story even made it worst. Ashley slept with a total stranger at age 15, when she and I made a pact. We made a promise to my mom that we'd save it until marriage.

Where is my friend Ashley?

Jhamie Bryant - Chronicles of a Numb TeenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon