Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

This chapter was so fun to write, I took extra time cause I wanted it to be exactly right. Enjoy!! Comment, vote, tell your friends, feedback is always welcome. I love you all. *keeses*

Georgia’s POV

Cameras flashed and people shouted out. The plush red carpet made my feet sink, what felt like inches, with each step. The lights, the cameras, it was all dizzying. The paps shouted over and over to ‘look this way!’ I was only slightly starstruck by the whole event, but I tried to keep my inner monologue at bay. Suddenly, someone whispered to keep my head down and keep walking. I complied, having only the slightest difficulty following the simple instructions. It all felt so surreal, and like the only thing anchoring my to my body was the warm hand, large and calloused, that was gripping mine for all it was worth. 

Liam loosened his grip once we were inside, bringing me back into myself. I was so awestruck by the insanity that was going on outside, I had barely even noticed my surroundings. Until now. I looked around, and was immediately floored by what I saw. We’d entered an old building with an ornate facade, which wasn’t uncommon in the heart of the city, but as I looked around the interior space, I knew this was no ordinary establishment. My mouth slowly fell open.

The walls were painted a faint pink, complimenting the creme crown molding that lined the ceiling. The crown molding in itself was scrolled and elaborate, probably hand-carved, but paired with the elaborate designs painted in gold on the walls, floral and distinctly French, it gave the whole place an lavish air of importance, extravagant without being flashy or gaudy. The finishing touch on the room was the tiered gold and crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling. It was easily as big as my entire room at home, sparkling wildly and throwing out little rainbows wherever the hundreds of lights hit the tiny dangling crystals. My breath caught as I stared up at it, completely mesmerized by the certain regality of the entire effect. 

I probably would have stood there, staring up at the ceiling with my mouth hanging open, for the remainder of the night if it weren’t for Liam. Returning to the group from checking our names off the list of invited guests, he almost automatically took my hand again, tugging slightly in the direction of the enormous ballroom, where the auction was being held. Reluctantly, I tore my gaze away from the glamour of the details, meeting his eyes. He smiled softly at me, pulling me into his side. Then, I glanced up into the room.

I suddenly froze, eyeing the large space we were about to enter. Hundreds of round, six-top tables were placed strategically around the room, all pointing toward a small dance floor and a stage with a small band, playing merrily, upon it. The people were dressed to the nines, from slinky cocktail dresses to floating, princess-like evening gowns, all the men looking smart and dashing in their perfectly pressed tux’s. Everyone had an air of importance about them, and the atmosphere almost squished me, making me feel about five inches tall. All in all, the whole situation was so out of my element, I felt like I was drowning and started wondering what in the world I was doing there, especially when I spotted Prince William walk, no, glide, across the room, a sparkling and smiling Kate Middleton on his arm.  

I looked up at Liam, probably looking like I had seen a ghost, because his smile widened into an almost-goofy grin, and he gingerly placed an arm around my waist. He whispered, “Don’t be shy. They’re people, just like us. Plus, I like you when you’re being you, so why wouldn’t they?” This he finished with one of his adorable half wink, half blinks. Almost immediately, I calmed, even choking out a small laugh, then stepping forward in the knowledge that Liam wouldn’t let anything go wrong. 

I was right, because the event passed without major incidence. Unless you count Louis spilling punch on the Crown Princess of Monaco’s shoes. The boys and I took up a whole table for ourselves, which was nice, and the boys were frequently up and about, asking people to dance and talking animatedly with socialites and actresses alike. Thankfully, Liam stayed close by my side for the majority of the night, dancing with me and passing me off only when one of the other boys broke in. Between the five of them, I was rarely sitting down. The band played everything from classical jazz numbers to popular hits, and I twirled and jumped and was dipped more times than I could count. When we weren’t on the dance floor, Liam and I mingled, talking to many important people. Another reason I couldn’t have made it without him; Liam’s inherent friendliness eased any strained efforts at conversation on my part. About midway through the evening, dinner was also served, during which the actual auction took place. The boys didn’t buy anything, but gave a large donation to a new children’s hospital that was being built downtown. They were so proud to be able to contribute, and I sat there beaming like a proud parent. Then, after that concluded, there was more dancing and more than a little champagne, so at the end of the party, we were all nicely energized, not wanting the night to end. 

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