Chapter 1

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                                                              One Week Later

“George. Georgie. Georgia. GEORGIA ALINE KANE.” I jerked awake, hitting my head on something hard and giving a small yelp. Harry jerked back too, rubbing his head. 

“Bloody Hell.” He said, slumping back in his chair. “You’ve got quite the head butt.” I giggled, and Harry continued “We’re nearly there, I think our head of security, Paul, will meet us at the airport.” 

“Okay. Harry, aren’t they a little put out with you? You’ve missed a week of recording and rehearsals and press and such?”

“You just leave management to me. Which one of us has the charm?" He asked, smiling cheekily and giving a wink, "besides, I didn’t really miss much according to Zayn.” He replied. “I’ve already told the lads everything, and a command was given that the flat was cleaned, but no promises. Especially from Louis. They’re all looking forward to some female company after almost a year's worth of male bonding.” I laughed, and he quickly added; “Although I have warned them that if any one of them touches you, even Louis, I will cut off their fingers. One by one. Slowly.” He finished this sentence quickly and tried to look menacing. I punched him lightly in the shoulder and said;

“I can take care of myself, thank you very much, Mr. Styles.”

“Seriously George. You’re too good for any of them anyhow.” He finished as a pretty blonde flight attendant sauntered up and tried to start a conversation with him.

I rested my head against the posh seat. Of course Harry had insisted that we were placed into first-class. The last week had been so strange. Packing everything I would need in such a hurry, shipping it all off, saying goodbye to mum, dad, Amelia, and the only home I’d known for the last five years, and preparing to return to my beloved England. I’d only been to London once, years ago on Christmas holiday, but I was anxious to get back. A bustling metropolitan city like London would be a welcome change from the small coastal town where I had spent the last five years. Just then, a pleasant female voice beeped in over the intercom.

“We are descending into London-Heathrow Airport. Please keep your seat belts fastened until the aircraft has come to a complete stop at the gate, and the captian has switched off the seatbelts sign. Thank you for flying with us.” Butterflies fluttered in my empty stomach (airplane food- no thank you) and I squirmed excitedly in my seat. I was really back! Harry grinned at me, having finally torn himself away from the blonde wonder. 

“Bit excited, yeah?” I nodded vigorously as the plane bumped shakily onto the tarmac. He put his arm around me and whispered “Welcome Home, Georgie.” 

I smiled from ear to ear.

Fifteen minutes later, we were walking through the first terminal in search of the luggage trolleys. Harry had tried to explain to me that security would arrange for our bags to be fetched, but I didn’t believe him, and now we were off on a wild goose change for the correct trolley. We finally rounded a fifth corner and I stopped dead in my tracks. There, in front of us, were hoards of screaming girls. I had never heard anything so loud in my life. There were huge, burly security guards holding them back, and in front of the line of men was a large, balding guy with a huge smile on his face. I thought this must be Paul. Beside him were four boys, all holding homemade signs like the fancy drivers do for the rich people. They said "Welcome" and "Home" and "Georgia" and "and Harry," and they were all decorated with magic markers. I giggled. The boys were play wrestling and laughing, and obviously hadn’t noticed us yet. They were all extremely good looking. Of course, Harry had sent me pictures of them, I watched as much as I could get in America of them on X-Factor, and I had read plenty of articles about them online, but there was something  different about seeing them standing right in front of me. 

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