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One year before...

"Okay Mom I'll be back before midnight. No promises, I might fall asleep. Love you." I yell before walking out the door.

Even though I am 20 I still live with my parents because i'm afraid something might come back from work.

It's currently 8:30pm and I need to get this job done. I had been hired to kill two men and they offered a good price so I have to kill them before midnight or they will lower the payment.

I get in my car, Honda Civic, and drive out of the driveway. I start heading to my headquarters and turn on the radio switching to my favorite station and my favorite song comes on.

"Strumming my pain with his fingers. Singing my life with his words. Killing me softly with his song, killing me softly with his song..."

I pull up to the back of the building and walk out to my secret spot. I put in a passcode in a hidden keypad and a door opens. I walk in and continue down the long hallway.

Once I make it to the end I put in another passcode to open another set of doors and walk in. Right when you walk in you can see my artillery and lounge right off the bat.

There is also a small mini bar and a small sitting area with all my first aid stuff.

I walk over to my desk and open a file with the two targets for my next mission. I usually get them about 3 times a week and make a good amount of money doing this.

Obviously my parents don't know about my job and think that I work at a small cafe, which means they don't know about the amount of money I make too. I have been doing this since I was seventeen and I'm going to turn 21 in a couple days.

I have my own separate bank account for my assassination money and one for me and my parents.

Since I am going to find them in their wearhouse with lots of other gang members I pack a g36 with HK assault grip, four 20 round magazines, flashhider, and foldable buttstock. For secondary, a simple Glock 19 and a pocket knife hidden on my ankle. I also have a couple throwing knifes on my belt.

I have been taught multiple fighting styles like martial arts, taekwondo, judo, boxing, karate, and a couple more. I had to go to this private training school that trains future assassin's and starts them off until they soon make it on their own, me being one of the few that make it.

I got ready to head out by grabbing my coat, guns, keys and head over to my car in my secret parking garage with my favorite car, a nice simple Ferrari 458 Italia, another thing my parents don't know.

I hop in and start the engine. I open the garage and rev up my engine then speed off. My GPS indicates where I have to go for this mission so I drive there. I had found out where they had hid their wearhouse when I was following one of their guys.


As I make it to their 'hidden' wearhouse I park my car two blocks away so I won't be spotted. I grab my gun and place my secondary in my holster.

I run up to the side entrance of the wearhouse and peek over to the side towards the back entrance where they have two guys trying to guard the door.

Since it's dark out or would be hard to spot me, but they still have some spotlights around so I have to be careful.

I wrap my gun around my shoulder and under my arm with the strap and grab my Glock 19 and fix on my silencer. Quietly, I peek over again and aim my Glock towards the two guards'.

I headshot both of them and put my gun back in the holster. I drag their bodies into the bush near the entrance and walk into the back entrance having my gun ready.

I carefully walk down the poorly lit hallway checking each door I pass. I know that his room is around the middle of the whole building so I have to pass by a couple of rooms where there is a lot of people.

Having my pistol out, I clear out each room as quickly as I can leaving hostages and drugs for later. I try not to get noticed by other people and hide the body's in the corner of the rooms.

From here I have to go into a room around the corner, hop inside the vent, and crawl towards the room where my two targets are.

I walk around the corner and see a couple of guards' trying to hurry to a place down the hall and notice that they are searching the place. I quickly go into the room next to me and look for a vent.

Me, being very lucky, I find a vent behind a desk and pry it open with my knife and crawl in. I close the vent screen behind me and start crawling. Since the vents are pretty big I can easily crawl through.

I pull out my map of the place that I got from a guy who hooks me up with the people I need to kill. I try to find where I am since I know this room is next to the room I needed to be in and look for a route.

After knowing where to go I put my map back and get my gun ready. I crawl my way towards their room and mentally prepare myself to be able to count everyone and kill them all.

I stop at the vent I need to be and look out. Since their room is where everyone plans things like attacks and hits there are more people in there.

Id say about seven in total and might be about two guards' outside the door. I get my gun and place my foot on the vent screen getting ready to kick it off. Since the vent leaded me to the top of the room I have to jump in and do what is needed to do.

Getting ready I count to three. One, two, three! I kick the vent screen and hop on the couch rolling off and shooting two guys legs and then hop up and shoot the three guys closer to the door. One of my targets pulled out a gun and started shooting me but I dodged it by hoping over the desk.

I put my g36 behind me and pull out my Glock aiming at the two targets not long after shooting them both in the head. I get up and shoot the two guys that I shot in the legs.

Upon hearing the door opening I look over and shoot the two guards' that barged in. I can hear some yelling in Russian and hear the alarms go off in the building. Knowing a bit of Russian I can hear them saying that there is an intruder and that I have killed the boss.

Well damn, now I have to do more work. Ugh!

I put my pistol back and get ready to fight. I look out the door and see guards' outside the door running towards the room. I shut the door and pull out my c-4 from my bag and place it on the door then arm it.

I go behind the couch and wait until they come to the room. I can hear them yelling and getting ready to open the door. Once the door opened I press the detonator and hear the c-4 explode behind me. After all the flames went away I get up and grab my g36 and prop myself to look over the couch.

Once people started coming in I had started shooting. One by one I shoot everyone and try to make it quick as possible. Once most of them were clear I hop over the couch and run out the door.

Once I get out the door I try to look for an exit. I see someone try to grab for me so I slide under his legs and shoot him in the dick with my Glock. I hop back up and keep running.


Wow took me three days to write. Hope you liked it so far. I'ma just work on the next chapter now.


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