十六: All Eyes On Us

Start from the beginning

"I don't know how to do this." I say with a nervous chuckle as Chan smiles at me.

"Just follow my lead, and 1-2-3, 1-2-3..." He counts off the numbers until I get the basics down, simply chuckling every time I miscount and step on his foot, though it isn't very often.

A slower song comes on after a little bit, Chan pulling me closer as the song progresses, just until our noses nearly bump. Our eyes lock, and everything seems to slow as he leans in, our lips meeting in a sweet embrace.

He pulls away shortly after, his cheeks a bright crimson red as we both awkwardly smile at each other. I rest my head on his shoulder as we continue to dance, Chae just barely visible in my line of sight.

She's smiling widely, still talking to Woojin as another girl approaches. Woojin makes a couple of hand motions to the girl, smiling as Chae simply nods, the other girl latching herself onto Woojin.

Woojin excuses himself after a moment, leaving the girl and Chae behind. She says something to Chae, which causes her to furrow her bros, a defensive expression immediately taking over. And then tears, a flood of tears streamed down Chae's cheeks.

And boy, that girl must have said something really bad, as Chae took one step forward, slapped her across the cheek (not too horribly hard) before turning on her heels and walking away.

Chae immediately walks over to grab a drink, ready to do lord only knows what, as a male bumps into her, spilling his drink down the front of her qipao.

He apologizes profusely, and she just sighs, using a napkin to try and soak up some of the drink. And he must've said something funny to lighten the mood, because now Chae is laughing, and not her usual 'oh, funny.' Kind of laugh, no, this is the ugly snorting kind of laugh she does when Hani and did Jaeran tell stories about embarrassing moments.

"Hey, Jeongin, look." Chan whispers excitedly, pointing over to where Conii and Ten are actually kissing. And heated too.


"I know!"

We both share a laugh as we go and sit down at at table due to my feet hurting and Chan from being thirsty. Jaeran joins me once Chan excuses himself to get something to drink, stopping to talk to a few people along the way.

"So, how's the bf?" Jaeran asks, cutely pouting while holding his head up by proping his arms up on he table.

"Good." I say, watching as he rolls his eyes.

"Boi, I saw you kiss him and you just sayin' 'good.' Like, wow, if I was your boyfriend, I'd be offended." He says sassily, throwing and very thick ethnic accent on it to emphasize his point. Which, works for some reason.

We continue to talk, a little and before Chan can come back to the table, someone else drags him away to do more talking. So, I enjoy more of Jaeran's couple than I initially intended to.

"Ugh I thought this school was respectable, but apparently they let just anyone in." A girl said as she passed by Jaeran and I, though Jaeran didn't not seem to take the comment lightly.

"And what exactly do you mean by that?" He asks, his tone stern like Chae's.

The girl turns to look at him, her eyes narrowed at him. "I mean, I thought that this school was still good, but the fact that people like you are here just proves it isn't."

"And what the hell do you mean by people like us, huh?" He couldn't just drop it.

"Gays, homosexuals, get it? Or do I need to spell it out for you?" She asks, crossing her arms as Jaeran looks like he's about to go flying out of his seat.

"Listen, you-"

"Do we have a problem here?" Hani asks, suddenly appearing out of the blue, Johnny nowhere to be seen.

"I don't know, do we?" The girls asks, looking Hani up and down, disgust written across her face as Hani rolls her eyes.

"Well, considering that this is my cousin, and my best friends brother, then yeah, I'd say we do."

Hani and the girl end up in a heated discussion which doesn't look likes it's going to end well until Hani whispers something in the girls ear, causing her to scurry away.

"What did you say to her?" I ask, boh amazed, confused, and also a little scared.

Hani just smiles. "Just girl stuff, nothing you need to worry about, Innie." Hani flashes another smile as Johnny appears with drinks.

Soon, everyone is situated at the table, sharing a few laughs here and there as we swap out stories, Johnny excitedly talking about the time his cousin hoarded all the bread in the house for whatever reason.

Sure, tonight definitely had its pitfalls, but I got to spend it some pretty amazing people, and that's all that matters.

Because these aren't just my friends.

These people are my family.

I don't even know what I'm writing anymore.
I'm just putting words into the keyboard, like, 'let's hope this makes at least a little sense.'
Most of the time, it does not.
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this, as I think I might end this story in a little bit, maybe 20+chapters at the minimum as I don't really know what to do with it, and I feel like anymore shocking moments would be too much, as it was never supposed by a lot of drama, but it kinda ended up that way. Idk.
I'd love to know what some of your favorite moments have been in the story.
Love, Siha,☀☀☀

ɴᴇɪɢʜʙᴏʀʟʏ ʟᴏᴠᴇ🏢 (JeongChan)  COMPLETED✅Where stories live. Discover now