七: 我不是.....我 (I Am Not...Me)

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Chan smiles, and he actually laughs even though I asked him not to. "I can't believe you actually sing trot." He says, continuing to giggle as I groan, typing he last of my report.

"Well, I do, and I enjoy doing so." I grumble, taking a sip of earl grey. It's bitter and over brewed, which I normally like, but today it offers no pleasing aftertaste. It's just bitter.

"You want fresh tea?" Chan asks, pointing to the cup as I slide it away from me.

"Yes, please."

He laughs again, leaving the table to get more tea as I hit save on my report, closing my laptop as I relax in my seat. Yesterday was good for me in a way, and I've decided to come out to my mom soon.

Chan, while he undeniably the biggest dork, is also someone who gives the best advice and is oddly trustworthy. Like, if he came to my window at three in the morning, telling me to come with him somewhere, I'd go.

"Here. Try not to leave the bag in too long." He says, putting the cup down in front of me, sliding into the seat just off to my left. He's been trying to study for an exam he has coming up before winter break, but he's mostly been goofing off.

"So, learn anything new yet?" I ask jokingly, watching as he shrugs, flipping a page over.

"I know most of this, like, 99.9% of this, so I'm pretty confident I'll pass my exam. But you know what I can't pass?"

"ME-2?" I say, watching as he closes the book, smiling at me.

"Har-Har. No, I can't pass this song on DDR, and it's killing me." He says, grinning a little as I roll my eyes at him.

"I'm not playing DDR with you." I say, groaning as pouts at me.

"I'll do anything you want me to!" He pleads, giving me puppy eyes as if it'll win me over. And dammit, why is he so right?!

"Fine." I huff, letting him lead me to the living room where he has the mat laid out on the floor, the Wii already ready for use. "You planned this, didn't you?" I say, watching as he clicks a few options on the game menu.

"Yes." He clicks the hardest song on the game, and smiles before standing off to the side to watch as I flail around. Aka, dance.

I try my hardest not to miss any steps, but it proves to be harder than it seems, and I'm pretty sure I narrowly avoided twisting my ankle a moment ago.

The song reaches it's climax and just before I can even get my foot back on the ground after a series of combos, I slip. Or at leadt, I think I slip. Either way, I fall.

"Oh My, God!" Chan rushes over to help me up as the game continues playing.

I can't help but laugh at this, I've been done in by a video game. Chan smiles once he realizes that I'm not actually hurt, and he extends his arm for me to grab on to.

I reach up, grabbing onto his forearm before tugging him down, the majority of him falling on top of me. He laughs, and now we're both close to tears from laughing too hard.

"You're such a jerk!" He says, hitting my shoulder as he moves off of me, laying down on my right side.

"This wouldn't have happend if you hadn't made me play the game." I counter, trying to catch my breath.

Chan just chuckles, both of us staring at the ceiling in silence until he speaks up. "So, I owe you something now. What's it gonna be?" He asks, looking over at me.

I shrug, not knowing how to answer him. "I don't really want anything at the moment." I say, finally my breathing is almost back to normal, and I no longer feel like I've never breathed before.

"Well, think about it, and get back to me." Chan says, standing up before actually helping me up. "I've got another mat if you're up for it."

I grin, nodding my head firmly. "You're on."

He laughs before disappearing into his room, coming back with another mat that makes the same awful crinkling noise as the first one.

"Hope you like jpop." I say, clicking on my favorite so as Chan groans.

"You're going to be the end of me!" He whines, and for some reason, that one little sentence makes me a little warm inside.

Is it wrong to want to be the end of someone?

I shake the thought from my head, focusing on the game, watching as we both try to copy the arrows, failing so, so, so, so hard.

"Wassup, idiots, I'm home." Felix calls from the doorway, dropping his keys on the counter as he walks over to see what we're doing. "Not this again!" He whines, turning on his heels, immediately going to him room.

"I take it he doesn't like DDR?" I ask, still trying to keep up.

"Nope, not after Minho beat his high score on Feel Good."

I laugh a little, turning to see how Chan is doing, and I find myself staring. Which, is normally something I don't do, but there's something about the way he moves that keeps my attention on him.

The song ends and I'm still staring more or less, probably more, but he hasn't said anything about it, so maybe it isn't noticeable.

"Am I that attractive that you have to stare?" Chan asks with a chuckle as I feel my cheeks flush red.

"No, I'm just surprised you dance really well." Lie. Big fat lie.

He smiles, putting down his controller. "Are you sure you weren't checking me out? 'Cause it looked like you were checking me out." He says, fake flexing his arms, striking a multitude of 'model' poses. "We're both gay here, no need to be shy."

And for whatever reason unbeknownst to me, the only thing I can think to say is "What if I was?" He looks taken back to say the least, but he smiles.

"I didn't think I was your type." He jokes, smiling as I suddenly feel awkward.

"I didn't either." I really need to get ahold of my tongue before I say something even worse. Which, I highly doubt I could, but there are a few things I could say.

Things like-

"I like you."

Huh? I'm pretty sure he did not just say why I think he said.

"You probably think this is really awkward, and you probably won't talk to me after this... great." Now Chan looks conflicted, and I can honestly say that I know the feeling.

"I like you too... I think? I've never really liked anyone the way I like you before." Why has my throat suddenly become so dry?

"I, uh, oh..." It seems Chan is just as much of a blubbering idiot as I am, seeing as neither one of seems capable of saying anything else.

"JUST KISS ALREADY!" Felix shouts from his room, making both Chan and I to look at the door.

I turn around, and I already know I'm redder than a sunburnt tomato, but so is Chan.

"Would you like to go on a date sometime?" He asks, clasping his hands together as tries to compose himself.

"I'd love to."

And oh, do I mean I'd love to.

1251 words.
I hope you've enjoyed the story, and like it.
I'm posting another JeongChan story soon, it's working title is Sweet Freedom it's about Chan being wrongly accused of murder, but Jeongin is an Eyewitness, who also is the new tenant who he has to live with.
So, keep an eye out for that!
Love, Siha.☀☀☀

Also, Happy late birthday to our Changbinnie! 😁😁😁🎈🎈🎂🎈🎈🎁🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊
Lets wish him a happy and prosperous year!

ɴᴇɪɢʜʙᴏʀʟʏ ʟᴏᴠᴇ🏢 (JeongChan)  COMPLETED✅Where stories live. Discover now