九: Blunders And Blushes

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Chan and I barely ordered our food before things started falling apart around us.

Chan had gotten his drink dumped on him twice, once by himself and then once by the waiter who happend to be a close friend who apologized profusely through a fit of laughter.

Then, the couple seated behind us got into an argument, and just as the waiter arrived to serve their food, the guy stood up, knocking the tray out of the waiters hand causing all of the food to go everywhere.

By now, neither Chan nor I could keep a straight face, but he was the first to laugh.

"I honestly thought his was going to go a lot better, bt as usual, I was wrong." Chan said with a grin, laughing a little as I just tried to take a sip of tea without spitting it out from giggling too hard.

"It's fine. I can honestly say that I'll never forget today, and this will probably one of he most memorable dates of my life." I say, smiling a little as Chan just smiles back, the food being placed in front of us.

"Enjoy your meal." The waiter, whose name I learned was Minho, said before disappearing back into the kitchen.

We made light conversation here and there in between bites of food and sips of our drinks, and I don't think I've felt this comfortable in a long time.

The rest of dinner goes off without a hitch, and I think that this could work out in the long run. Which, is a little stupid to say when the night isn't even over, but it's what I feel.

"There's a park and ice cream shop nearby, we can chill for a little bit if that's okay with you." Chan suggests as we head back towards his jeep.

"Yeah, that sounds nice." I say, nodding a little before hopping into the passenger seat.

We parked to the side of the ice cream shop before going in, Chan immediately perking up at the scent of waffle cones and ice cream.

"I didn't even know you could get ice cream in this many flavors." I mumble, scanning over the menu as flavors just jumble together.

"My personal favorite is the French vanilla and chocolate swirl. It's really creamy compared to regular ice cream." He says, waiting for me to a flavor.

"I'll go ahead and try the mint lychee, it's sounds good." I say, watching as Chan nods in approval before gong to order as I wait closer to the door.

He comes back with two cones, handing me the one with a mint leaf on top. "It smells like toothpaste." He says with a chuckle, handing it over to me as I roll my eyes.

I take one lick and I'm in love. "It does smell like toothpaste, but it taste like heaven." I say, going as far as to bite into the ice cream despite the whine of protest from Chan.

"I thought I could trust you." He says, feigning repulsion before bursting out into a fit of laughter as I continue to enjoy my ice cream.

"Okay, lets see..." I say, pondering for a minute. "I leave my tea bag in my tea, I put water on my toothbrush before adding toothpaste, I pour cereal before milk, I occasionally take bites out of my ice cream, and I like my brownies to be crunchy. Also, I prefer boxed milk to regular jug milk." I say, watching as Chan nods.

"Okay. I take my tea bag out after a minute of letting it steep, I also put water on my toothbrush before toothpaste, cereal is always first and you can't tell me otherwise, I have literally never bitten any ice cream in my life, and my brownies can only have crunchy edges. As for milk, I do agree that I prefer boxed, but have you had bagged milk before?"

I can already tell that I probably look horrified. "What?! Who bags milk?!" I have honestly never heard of such a thing.

"Oh, c'mon, you have to try bagged milk at least once." Chan says, smiling as we take a seat on a bench.

ɴᴇɪɢʜʙᴏʀʟʏ ʟᴏᴠᴇ🏢 (JeongChan)  COMPLETED✅Where stories live. Discover now