十二: A Woman... Minus The Wo?

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I woke up to my phone going off, Chae telling me to meet her at our apartment in twenty minutes or so, and I figured it would be better to be early than late, as Chae wasn't the most forgivng.

"I'll bring your shirt and shorts back later." I tell Chan, grabbing my clothes off the end of his bed as he shakes his head.

"Keep them, they're too small for me." He says, smiling once he sees how flushed my cheeks are. They feel warm and I know I look like a tomato.

"Oh, okay... um, I'll be going now, see you later."

"Bye, Jeongin."

I close the door to his apartment before making a mad dash for my own apartment, and even though I'm only at the door, I can hear Chae and Hani screeching.

I see an unfamiliar boy sitting on the couch, his hair cut short and shaved at the side like Hani's boyfriend, Johnny.

"Oh, hey, Jeongin." He says, smiling as he gives a slight wave.

"Uh, hi?" He seems to know me, but I have no clue who he is. He seems to take notice too.

"You don't recognize me with a haircut and eyeliner, do you?" He asks, a smile playing at his lips as he stands up.

"Should I?" I'm at a loss, I don't recognize him, but he does sound familiar, but I can't place it.

"CONI, GET THE FUCK IN HERE, HANI'S ASS WON'T FIT IN THIS DRESS WITHOUT YOUR HELP!" Chae yells from her room, the boy just sighs.

"Well, that should give you enough information." He smiles again before walking into Chae's room. "Well how the hell did you manage to do that?" I hear him say.

I try and piece everything together from the begining. Conii and Chae have been best friends since sixth grade, I always thought Coni was a girl... but Coni is actually a guy? It would explain why sh-he never wore any skirts or dresses before. Okay, well even if he had, I still wouldn't have known.

I shake my head before walking into Chae's room, giggling once I see the diseray that the room is in. Jaeran and Coni are trying to squeeze Hani into a black ball gown, Chae is attempting to button herself up in a traditional red qipao and I'm not going to lie, she finally looks like a woman.

"A little help please?" She asks, raising her eyebrows at me as she continues to struggle with the buttons. I help her with the buttons, smiling once she's finally buttoned up completely. She smiles brightly, rushing over to the mirror on the back of her door to see how she looks.

"Ohhh, if I wasn't already dating Jaemin!" Jaeran says with a wild grin, coming over to make Chae spin in place so he can see how it fits.

"I thought you were dating Park Jisung though?" Hani says confused, looking over at her cousin who's turned beet red.

"Well, I, erm..... kinda?" He stumbles over his words and Coni chuckles.

"You're totally in a polyamorous relationship, aren't you?"

Jaeran bye his lip. "It isn't official, like, we've talked about it, but nothing is definite yet..." He says, scratching he nape of his neck as Hani and Chae squeel, rushing over to gush about it, meanwhile Coni gives a shrug.

"Forever alone." He says with a chuckle, sighing immediately afterwards.

"I'm sure someone will find you soon." I say, trying to lighten the mood as he cracks a smile.

"Well, there's this one guy in my English class at the college. He's super nice and cute, and he's thai so he's got this weird accent that makes him get tongue twisted... but, I'm pretty sure he's straight, so..."

"What's his name?" I ask, sitting on the bed next to Coni.

"Ten. Well, his real name is Chitaaphon Leechaiyapornkul, but he goes by Ten." Coni says giving a shrug as I nearly fall off the bed.

"He's the gayest person I've ever known!" I screech unintentionally, grabbing Coni by the shoulders. "Chae used to be on the dance team before she broke her ankle, and let me tell you, the boy is gay he is the poster child for gays. Chae can literally get you a date with him if you ask, they're still best friends. And Hani is dating his cousin, so you can always get a good word from them, like, Boi, go after it."

Coni let's put a laugh, his eyes crinkling at the sides. "That is the most uplifting, and gayest, pep talk I've ever heard. But, I suppose it couldn't hurt to ask... thanks, Jeongin." He pats my back as both Hani and Chae walk over.

"I heard the words gay, Ten, dance, and date. What can I help you with?" Chae asks, plopping down on her bed ass Hani and Jaeran pile on too, crowding the twin sized mattress.

"Coni likes Ten!" I blurt out, earning a smack to the shoulder.

"Traitor!" Coni says with a laugh, blushing like a madman as Chae coos.

"Do you sit by him in English class by any chance?" Chae asks, a smile finding it's way to her lips as Coni nods. Chae stands up, and in the happiest voice I've ever heard from her, she proudly proclaims: "My OPT has finally sailed, suck on that, you TaeTen shipper!" She says, pointing at Jaeran.

"I came here to have a good time, and I'm feeling very attacked." He says, throwing a pillow over his face as Hani laughs at him.

"So, what's with the dresses anyway?" I ask, finally getting to the point.

"Oh, these are for the winter ball." Chae says simply, earning are nod from everyone else.

"But the usual theme is white and silver." I mumble, looking at Hani black ballgown and Chae's red qipao.

"We know." Hani says with a smirk.

"Now, on more serious note," Jaeran says, sitting up as he looks at me, pointing a finger my way. "Whose shirt is that?"

I look down only to realize I haven't changed out of the clothes Chan lent me to sleep in, and now everyone is curious thanks to Jaeran. "I ended up sleeping at Chan's last night, he lent me these to sleep in, I just haven't had a chance to change yet..."

It's all of two seconds before everyone is cooing and UwU-ing over the fact that Chan lent a shirt to sleep in, and then the fact that we slept together in his bed, and I've honestly never wanted to crawl in a hole more than I do right at this moment.

But I'm still happy, and I suppose that's a good thing.

Double update!
Also, how do you guys feel about the big reveal of Coni being a guy? I've been waiting to write this for a while, and I wasn't sure how to go about it, and then I was like, fuck it, I'm going all in.
And then this chapter happened and I'm so tired right now, and I've got this splitting migraine, but it's bearable since I get to update for you guys.
I do have a question for you guys...
Like, where are some of you from? I'm really curious to see where everyone is from, and I'm just talking about what country, Cuz like, I'm from the US of A. I'm also curious if anyone reading this is a fellow hetero? And I know that seems stupid to ask, but I've only really met gays, and I'm not trying to be mean about it, but I'm just curious.
Another thing I'm curious about, is if anyone here is younger than me or not, I'm a generation Z '03 liner, and I haven't had the chance to meet many people my age, so I'm curious as to that.
Anyway, I hope you guys are doing well too, as Monday is right around the corner, and I wish you well on all your school work, fighting!
Love, Siha.☀☀☀

P.S. Here's  a sunset over a forest by a highway


ɴᴇɪɢʜʙᴏʀʟʏ ʟᴏᴠᴇ🏢 (JeongChan)  COMPLETED✅Where stories live. Discover now