八: First Date, And The Jitters That Follow

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I silently thanked God as I sat down in the kitchen, both Coni and Hani trying to make me look presentable for my first date with Chan. Meanwhile, Chae was ransacking my closet trying to find something quote 'not as ugly as your face.' Unquote.

My mom would surely have killed me by now if she saw what was happening. Because, 1, Hani was trying to put makeup on me. 2, Coni was styling my hair, and I would be going on a date with someone 4 years my senior.

"If you don't buy nicer clothes, I'll burn all your plushees." Chae says, tossing a pair of black ripped skinnys on the couch alongside a striped sweater.

Slowly she walked over, and I could see her facial expression soften. "Damn, I guess you really are growing up." She said, giving a slight smile as Hani finished with my makeup around the same time that Coni finished my hair.

"Question," I said, looking at the clothes on the couch. "How do I get these on now that my hair and makeup is done?"

Hani and Coni simply looked at each other before nodding.

With in an instant my tshirt I'd been wearing was ripped off my body before the sweater replaced it.

"How did you even?" I ask, looking over in the mirror by the door, my hair and makeup unscathed.

"Perks of being a woman: you can get clothes, such as shirts and bras, off without any damage to your face." Coni said with a smile, both Hani and Chae nodding as I just felt a little more than exposed.

"Now go put your pants on before they help you with that too." Chae said, ushering me back to my room as they started squealing and giggling about more uwu. Whatever the hell that meant.

I barely made it out of my room before there was a knock at the door, all there girls rushing back inside of Chae's room, living me to my own vices.

I open the door, and I swear that if this was my first time seeing Chan, I would have slammed the door.

He wore white skinnys with holes in the knees, and a grey sweater that matched his newly dyed hair which curled just slightly. Is this what Uwu means? Too cute to handle?

"Hey... you ready to go?" He seemed timid today, like he was some shy school boy getting to talk to that one really hot girl that all the guys liked. Wait, we're both gay, does this mean I'm the girl? "You okay?"

I look up, my eyebrows still furrowed as I nod. This seems to make Chan nervous and I have to shake the thoughts from my head. "Just thinking about something, let's go before Chae and her friends start bombarding us." I say, hearing the small creek! From Chae's door.

Chan nods, smiling as I follow him out, closing the door behind me as we take tie stairs to the ground floor, the elevator out of order. I wonder when they'll get it fixed, it's been two weeks.

"So, I was thinking we could either go eat and see a movie, or go eat and maybe just hangout?" Chan said, leading the way to the parking lot.

"I'm thinking food and chill is better, there's not many movies out that I want to see." I say, following him to a black jeep. Dammit, this is one of my favorite types of cars. And... it's also the one I drew ducks on last year, because dear God did it need a wash.

Chan opens the door for me, letting me get a little situated before getting into the passenger seat. The car revs to life and immediately, the radio comes blaring to life.

Chan fumbles with the radio controls, looking a bit more than flustered as I laugh at his choice of radio listening.

"So, you like jazz?" I ask, watching as he adjusts it to the usual rock chanel that Chae always cranks it to when she doesn't feel like listening to hip-hop.

"My friend, Woojin, borrowed my car earlier. I swear he never leaves anything the way he finds it." Chan says, adjusting the rear view mirror, alongside the seat which is so far up that Chan barely has enough room to breathe.

I just smile, letting the rock music create a comfortable atmosphere between us as we drive to wherever it is that Chan had in mind for dinner.

It turns out to be an Italian restaurant that I briefly remember going to once, back when mom was more present in my life, and Chae didn't have tattoos that covered her arms or piercings that littered her face.

"If you don't like italian, we can go someplace else." Chan says, noticing the way I spaced out a little.

I shake my head, smiling at him. "It's just been a while since I've been here." I say, earning a not at all convinced nod from Chan. I open the car door and get out much to his protest.

"I'm supposed to be a gentleman, I asked you on the date, and I should be opening doors for you." He complains, crossing his arms at me once I make it to the front of the car.

"Then don't be so slow. And besides, a true gentleman is only measured by how courteous he is to people, not how many doors he opens on dates."

Chan just rolls his eyes, chuckling at me a little before heading into he restaurant. He seems to come here a lot too, all of the wait staff seem to know him, and one of the waitresses even gives him a thumbs up once she sees me trailing behind him.

He pulls my chair out for me, and I can't help but smile. This boy will be the death of me.

The worst part is, I think he knows it too.

Part two, coming soon!
Guess who stayed up until 12am when they needed to wake up at nearly 5am, just because the rerun of stray kids on ASC was on?
It was me.
I'm happier than u even know rn, and I'm just, uwu-ing so hard.
Like, not only am I a Stay! But did anyone else see when Jeongin sprayed Felix?
My sister and I died.
Though, I think it's partially 'Cause I'm always doing that to my family.
Oh, well. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, I'mma go die of too much UWU exposure now.
Goodbye, world.
Love, Siha.☀☀☀

ɴᴇɪɢʜʙᴏʀʟʏ ʟᴏᴠᴇ🏢 (JeongChan)  COMPLETED✅Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz