The Keeper of the Dying Lands - IIIIIII

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It's been three days since I snuck down to the stable. I look down at the handcraft in my lap; it's already done so I just stare at it. It's a ton of black strings braided together forming a lead halter. The strings are soft beneath my fingers when I look at it now, it seems ridiculous of me to even make it.

Though, over the last few days locked in my room unable to sneak out, making this has given me some kind of peace. Some purpose even for only a few days. But now that it's done I feel empty once again. I look out of my window at the darkening sky, only a few rays of sunlight still break through the thick blanket of darkness.

I cannot choose which is more beautiful, sunrise; Because I'll see the blue sky and the sun good spreading his light over the new sky, or sundown; Because I will once again see the dark sky, dressed in thousands of stars, more each night. Though one thing I love about them both is the range of majestic colors stretching across the sky.

I wait till the darkness will once again create the perfect cover for me. I sneak through the castle and out into the courtyard. While sneaking around, my footsteps seem to make more noise than usual, so does my breathing. I keep in the shadows till I reach the stable, and to my delight, all lights are off which means that I'm alone.

I once again squeeze in between the heavy stable doors and the smell of hay, dust, and horse greet me. I clutch the homemade halter tight in my hand and I walk the long rows of horses. When I reach the last and smallest of the stalls I see the white beauty.

"Quesse?" I mutter softly to the horse. I'm greeted with a low nicker from the horse as she walks over to the stall gate looking at me with her big dark eyes. I let her smell my hand, which she gently nips a bit at and quickly lose interest.

I join her in the stall with a bundle of hay once again, which the horse contently starts chewing at as I start brushing her down. It seems like she's almost been expecting it. I might be wrong, but it seems like she missed me as much as I missed her.

"You and I are much alike Quesse," The horse nickers again, almost like she's answering.

"We are," I pause shortly before continuing.

"We're both here against our will. We would both rather run around on a pasture somewhere, far from here," I pet the horse gently on the neck smoothing down a few strands of mane. Her mane is not long like many of the other horses I've seen, it short and slightly wooly, I don't think It'll ever grow long. Then again, I guess my long blond hair is long enough for the both of us.

"We are both being sold off to the highest bidder, no matter whom," The animal sighs deeply and I lean on her sturdy shoulder for just a moment, letting a few tears run free.

I don't even hear feet approaching before, Quesse lifts her head abruptly, ears pointing forward and she lets out a displeased snort at the intruder. I quickly dry my eyes before looking at the intruder.

The first thing I see is a broad chest, strong muscled arms underneath black tunic. I already know who it is before he speaks. I keep my head down, ashamed that I let my little adventure ruin my reputation. I hear the stall gate open, and heavy footsteps coming closer. I quickly feel the heat of the massive man beside me, but no matter what I do not dare to look him in the eyes. Instead, I start to fidget with the hem of my sleeve, looking very intently at it.

"If you wanted to join me down here, all you needed to do was ask," His voice is surprisingly soft for someone who just found his betrothed sneaking about. I open my mouth with the expectation of saying something, but nothing comes out so I just end up closing my lips once again.

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