The Keeper of the Queen - II

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As I walk up the stairs to the tower for the second time today, I find myself praying. It's not something I do often, but desperate times calls for desperate measures.

Another gift has been returned to me, this is a behavior I can't accept any longer. Her chambermaid also tells me she isn't eating what she should. She said she was only pushing the food around to make it look like she had eaten something.

I knock on the heavy oaken door. When no answer comes I just stand there and listen for a while. Judging by the pace of her heart and breathing, she's awake.

I open the door and find her sitting on the windowsill as I have found her many times before. She seems to enjoy looking out that window. Then again it's the only connection to the outside world she has. I need to take her for a walk with me through Enyadell. I think it'll do her good to have a look around the city.

She doesn't acknowledge me; she doesn't even look in my direction. She just keeps staring out of the window. For a while, she just seems like she's in a trance. I clear my throat loudly, which seems to snap her out of her paralyzed state.

She looks in my general direction, not meeting my eye. Her beautiful blue eyes are veiled to the floor. She has her head bowed slightly which makes her long blonde locks fall around her face. Her hair frames her face so elegantly, looking wilder than ever. Still, she could not look more beautiful to me.

"You can have whatever you like, gold is not a problem, tell me and I will buy it for you," I say evenly. Every single gift I've given her has been sent back, which doesn't please me. I've tried letters but they are unopened. I've never understood women, and I don't pretend to. That's why it's just easier to ask her what she wants'. Then we can stop this ridiculous game and she can stop being mad at me.

When she still doesn't react to me, I try a different approach.

"Your maid has told me of your broken rib," I state indifferently. I don't want her to see how much it really bothers me. The guilt is tearing at me from the inside. I should have been there.

"No," her voice rips me from my train of thought. It's a surprise to hear her speak again. For a moment I never thought she never would. Her voice is hoarse from the lack of use, or maybe it's just from all the crying.

"My broken heart is the only thing broken about me, " Her words cut my heart like a knife. She stares emptily out into space. She looks like nothing matters anymore. I sigh deeply and frown at her silent form.

"I've moved the marriage, it'll be held on the seventh day from this day," I say trying to sound indifferent, but no matter how indifferent I try to convince myself I am, just as much do I fear her wrath. Still, her silence hurts me so much more.

Her blue eyes just stare out the window, without reacting to what I said. Even though she seems to be watching the outside life, the way her eyes are glazed over tells me she isn't looking at anything at all.

"Is that agreeable?" I try to pull a reaction out of her, but by the look on her face, it might be a long shot. I watch as she blinks, once, twice, thrice. She turns her head to me and lifts her eyes to mine for the first time since I arrived.

"Delightful," Her voice is indifferent and has a cold undertone. She doesn't even bother to look at me, which serves to irritate me so much more. I feel the beast clawing at my mental barriers trying to fight his way out. I know if I let him, then he'll just frighten her even more. The beast isn't exactly gentle. It's becoming harder and harder to control him with her brooding attitude. The beast desperately wants to show her, her place. He hates being disrespected almost as much as I.

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