Chapter 3

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Demons- Imagine Dragons

Through the Dark- One Direction

Something Great- One Direction

Breakeven- The Script

Amanda's POV

I can't believe her. I can't believe the one person who became my friend is already stabbing me in the back. Paige. My own roommate trying to keep me from happiness. She's making Harry avoid me, an I hate it! I HATE her! Maybe, just maybe I can show him that she's wrong. Maybe show him that I'm not what she says. I wish to confront her. Maybe in our room, or maybe in gym. I have so many revenge plans buzzing around my head that it's getting to hard to see anything. No matter where it happens, I WILL make her regret what she said.

On a different note, my birthday is tomorrow, and I don't want Harry to go all out like I did for him. I want us to just share a pizza, and maybe rent a movie or something. I love Harry so much, and don't want him throwing his money around for me. I want Harry to know that I'm not one of those girls who wants everything, and am using him for money. Maybe that's what Paige is. A stubborn, stuck up- I stop myself from continuing my nasty thoughts, and finally decide to try and find Paige.

Harry's POV

How could she say that about my girl, and try to make me take her back. Hell no! Not going to happen. I know Amanda is better than to go running to that blonde haired blue eyed freak. I hope she doesn't too. He's dangerous. He has secrets of me that'll make her leave me. He knows about my dark days. Niall. He's the one who knows more about me than my own parents. He has seen things that should be unspeakable. If she finds out, she'll never forgive me. I have to confront both Paige and Niall. I have to tell Niall not to say a word about my past to anyone. For Paige, she's going to get a mouthful from me. She'll never want anything to do with me afterwards. She doesn't deserve to talk crap about my girl, and try to make me come to her again. I'm going to make her regret everything she's done or said to me. I'm going to show her that she doesn't get to mess with me. She won't ruin me again, and I sure as he'll won't let her near me, no near us again. She WILL pay for everything.

How should I play this out? Should I confront the two of them first, or should I try to find Amanda, and explain everything? All these questions form in my thoughts, and make my head hurt. I choose to confront them first before Amanda gets hurt. She means everything to me, and I can't risk losing her because of all the darkness from my past. I have to protect her.

Amanda's POV

"PAIGE!" I scream, jiggling the key into the dorm room door. "What the hell did you say to Harry?" I scream even louder, not caring if anybody hears me. I finally manage to open the door, trying to find Paige in the dorm. I hear a quiet laugh coming from the bathroom. It's a laugh that sends chills down your back. A laugh that comes from something evil. I barge into the bathroom, almost knocking the door off its hinges. I might be acting rough right now, but I need to know why Harry is so irritated. I see her leaning against the sink top smiling the most hair raising smile you can even imagine. "What's wrong blondy? Is something making you mad? Is your little Harry not brave enough to come here to conf-" I cut her off by slapping her across the face. "What the f-" I cut her off again by pushing her. "I don't want to hear it. Go talk to someone who actually cares about your feelings. Just tell me one thing, What did you do to him?" I snap trying to stand my ground.

I look at her features, how she isn't a bit interrogated. Her hair still has that dark brown color, but wants to dye it a vibrant red colour that makes your eyes hurt when looking at it. She wears small clothing, barely covering her body. The rings in her face shine under the light from the bathroom, they're spiky, and bring to much attention to them instead of her face... But who would want to look at her, she wears thick eyeliner, and never leaves anywhere without her bright pink lipstick. It's hideous. To think she was so nice when I moved in, but seeing her now, it just shows how stupid I was when I fell under her trap. She answers after a long pause,

"You mean our little meet up at the bakery? How we stared into each other's eyes, and remembered what fun we had in the past days. How about you just run back to your boy, you know, the blonde one, what's his name? Niall. Ever since y'all started hanging out a couple days ago, the drama hasn't stopped. "OMG! That new girl Amanda and Niall are sooo cute! Like seriously!" She repeats the stupid rumor going around, and annoys me about other things that I can't process at the moment. Niall has been the sweetest person, other than Harry, that I've met at this college. Sure, I've heard rumors about him and I, but I didn't think they would mean anything! I ignore her most recent words and go to something that kind of hurt. I clear my throat and begin to talk,
"What do you mean you and Harry in those past days?" I can't help the lump growing in my throat. She smiles the way that sent chills down my back earlier, and began to explain.

"Did he not tell you? Just ask him about his old dark self, and he'll know exactly what you're talking about. I can't believe he would keep that from you! You poor thing" she smiles wickedly,
"You're in for a ride blondy. Hope you make it out alive." I swallow slowly, while trying to fight the terrified tears in my eyes. I shake my head, running out of the dorm. I make it out of the building, but can't stand the sight in front of me. Harry. I can't imagine him any different than he is now, but apparently I'm wrong. He looks at me as I run past him. Everything seemed like it was going in slow motion. I can barely see anything. These tears won't stop, and are making everything blurry, except him. His eyes meet mine, looking horrified. The color of his face is completely gone when he tries to grab my wrist. I don't know what to do except ignore him at this moment. I'm surrounded by darkness now, which is making things worse.

It's like a thick cloud that won't leave. Suffocating. It's making me choke on all the sadness, and secrets that are being revealed every second. This is the worst way to spend the day before my birthday. Nothing could be worse than being homeless, not having anyone to talk to or hold. No more comfort. Harry has been lost in the back of all my thoughts, and I haven't even seen him other than just now. His colorless face is all I see though. The way he knew exactly what was wrong, knowing that it'll be hard to even get close to me. This is it. Happy Early Birthday to me.

Harry's POV

Her face was all I needed to see to know what was wrong. Paige told her. I'll never get to explain myself, but for some odd reason, I know this isn't the end of us. I've felt the suffocation,the horror, the pain she's probably feeling, and know how to pull her through it. I can help her, the only problem is trying to get her to listen to me. She's in a place that she can easily get lost in, but I won't let that happen to her. She will be here next to me soon, we will celebrate her birthday, and hope for something great in our future.

I've talked to Niall, and he understands not to tell, but it's kind of to late. Paige. I've dealt with her already after trying to find Amanda. That girl knows how to hide, but I have a feeling I know exactly where to go. I have to make her see the light, and not be in complete darkness. I start driving down to the one place we've been before. The park. She's always told me about when she was a little girl and always came here when she was stressed or sad. When I park, I instantly recognize her. She's sitting next to a tree with a huge green patch of grass around it. I know her too well.

I lock my car after getting out of it, and walk towards her. She doesn't look up at me when I sit next to her. She continues to play with the grass in between her fingers, a habit she has told me about, and hums a song I instantly recognize. One of her favorite bands, The Script. It brings a smile to my face when I remember the time she forced me to listen to them. I loved their music, but didn't want to admit it to her yet. "Hey... Are you mad at me?" I wonder. It sounded better in my head than out loud, but I can't take it back now. She gazes into my eyes. Her tear stained cheeks make my heart shatter, she tries to smile, but it's not the same. I bring my thin to her cheek, wiping away the tears riling down her face. "Why did you keep it from me?" She manages to say. Her voice is low, hoarse even, making it harder for my heart to keep a steady beat. "I know, I'm so sorry. There wasn't an easy way to bring it up, but please, let me explain." I whisper trying to make it easier for her. She's in pain, and most likely doesn't want to talk to anyone, but I guess I'm lucky for her to agree for me to explain about the old me and the days of my past.

(Hey my lovely readers! I'm so sorry this chapter was long, but I promise this'll be short. I just need to ask y'all one thing...What should the Amanda and Harry ship name be? I've been having trouble with this and need help! Please comment a ship name, and also don't forget to vote and keep reading! Muah! Love yah! Bye!)

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