Chapter 8

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Amanda's POV

What the hell does she have to ask Harry about that takes 30 minutes? Our relationship is none of her damn business!
I thought while vigorously stirring a small amount of sugar and cream into her 3rd glass of hot tea. Whatever it was, she obviously didn't want me to hear it.
I groan loudly, bringing her the glass of tea, hoping she heard it.
"Mother, it's been 30 minutes! Can we go now?" I whine, throwing myself on the couch next to Harry. He gave me a reassuring look of 'it's ok, everything's alright' yet I could sense tension between the two of them.

"Amanda, you shouldn't slouch on the couch like that, it's not good for you." She says changing the subject. She sips on the beige cup I gave her, leaving a red lip stain on it from her obnoxious lipstick.
"And to answer your question, we'll leave as soon as I finish this cup of tea." Her eyebrow hitches up in an arch, bringing her lips to her tea.
Harry's hand reaches for my leg and squeezes it slightly. I smile at the small gesture, and look at his sage green eyes. His dimples begin to appear as a slight smile starts to form. "I love you." He whispers ever so slightly to where only I could hear it. With no thought, I plant a small kiss on his plump, pink lips. His lips molded to mine perfectly. It was a quick peck, but still gave the spark that I always get when we kiss.

"Ahem... Amanda, what do you think you're doing?" My mother questions me, as if I have done something completely wrong.
"It was a kiss mother, we've been dating for 7 and a half months, it's no big-" she interrupts me.
" Seven and a half? Seems like it should be more from the incident earlier." She rolls her eyes sipping the remains of her tea. Harry's eyes grow bigger from the mention of earlier. I roll mine, and stand up.

"Mother, just don't. You've judged us enough so for once can you please stop?" I raise my voice unexpectedly. I grab the cup from her hand, and take it to the sink.

"I think we should go now. Sorry for the long questionnaire Harry." She marched towards the door, and motions for me to come. I glance at Harry one last time, and mouth 'Kill me now' causing him to smirk. I stomp towards the door, and exit with my mother.

"That was quite the scene Amanda." My mother says breaking the awkward silence in the car. We sat for 10 minutes straight without talking until this point.
"Says the one who barges in my door and demands to interview my boyfriend." I scoff. It sounded rude, but I didn't care cause of the way she's treated me. I start to speak again before she could say anything.
"Can we just focus on the fact that it's my birthday, and not argue?" I fold my arms trying to call a truce before we rip each others hair out. She sighs with a nod, and doesn't say anything else.

My mother was always strict since I was able to speak. She instantly taught me things that no other 5 year old knew. She tried to put me in a private school, and shape 'the perfect child' out of me, but it never worked as planned. Ever since I rebelled against her idea, she judged me from that point on. We didn't have the typical mother daughter bond, or talked to each other when we needed each other. I didn't have anyone to talk to except for a friend or two, and sometimes my dad if he wasn't called to go to business meetings all the time. I basically grew up all by myself. When I finally was of age to get a job(age 16), I moved out, and lived on my own. So technically she had no right to treat me the way she still is.

She stopped the car outside of the shopping mall, and stepped out of the car. We walked side by side entering into the first store, Kohls. Of Course she would choose here, considering it has all the brands she loves. As for me, I only shop at Brandy Melville, Urban Outfitters, Free People, Anthropologie, etc.

As I follow my mother around to a few other stores, I started to get curious about the whole " I have to ask Harry a few questions before we go" thing. I walk up beside her while she sifts through the the clothing racks.
"Mother, I know I was being an ass earlier and I apologize but I'm just a little curious about the questions you asked Harry." I say all in one breath. A small weight was lifted off my shoulders after I said it. She continues to look through the clothing racks and suddenly asks a blunt question, "Do you love him? I asked him this question too, but go on, I want to compare your answers." Her hands drop from the racks and she faces me.

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