Chapter 14

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(A few more chapters left guys!!! I honestly thought this book was going to be longer, but I guess not! There will be a sequel to this one, I promise! Anyways, please get your friends to read this, or share it to anyone who might like it! I would love to get it up to 1k or more reads! Also, thank you for 600 reads right now! It means so much to me!! Alright, I should probably stop typing because you most likely want to start reading this chapter!!! Love you all!)

AM- One Direction
Welcome to New York- Taylor Swift
Tear in my Heart- TØP
Perfect- One Direction

(One more thing, I want you to know that this is in an alternate universe so the boys aren't apart of a band. This note will come into play later in this chapter!)

Amanda's POV

>>5 months later<<


I submitted my excerpts to publishers all over New York the past couple of months, getting calls back to back for either offers to buy them off of me or to set up appointments for job interviews. They all ended up being the smaller publishers, which I didn't mind. I didn't take the jobs yet, knowing that it would be a mistake in the future, considering I could still here from big name publishers in the near future.

The past 5 months, Harry and I have had no problems, growing closer and not having as much drama in our life. Ashton has become... I guess you can consider him a close friend now, resolving the mistakes from our past, and not worrying about it. I told him that Harry is the one for me a couple days after the whole argument at my mother's house after that stupid party. He seemed to take that pretty well, staying normal...ish. Niall slowly drifted off, not quite sure where or how, but now we don't talk as much. We see each other maybe once a month, always making awkward small talk and little smiles. Maybe we'll become close again, but I guess right now isn't a great time.

Harry knows that Ashton is apart of my life, keeping an eye on him to make sure he doesn't start anything again, even though I told him multiple times that he wouldn't. Ashton still hasn't dropped his habits, obviously, bringing a different girl around each week. I was slightly annoyed by the fact that such a sweet guy could be changed to a fuckboy in the matter of seconds, but he was still my friend and I can't control the way he lives.

My classes have become tougher throughout the year, even though a new year has just started. I, of course took the next part of the creative writing class along with Harry which was called "Advanced Writing" now. Out of all my classes, writing stayed easy for me. It has never been a problem for me since the first year I took it.

Harry began writing a lot more too, not publishing anything major, but always keeping his little entries in a black leather folder . He became busier throughout the weeks, getting a job at Ace Publishing, receiving his own office and assigned prompts every two weeks. I will say I was jealous, but Harry said he'll be trying his best to talk to the owner, Laurent, to get me a spot for an internship or job. The main issue was that the building was 3 hours away from our home.

At first, Harry would travel back and forth almost everyday from the middle of New York to Albany, leaving us no time to spend with each other. It was honestly the worst thing in the world! I wrote while he was gone most of the time, though. I too had a leather folder/binder along with my little journal which is now completely filled with scribbles.
I mainly was inspired to write about Harry; The way he carries himself now, how things have changed in the past three months, and him writing. The excerpts I have written don't compare to the ones now; longer, more detailed. They are now 8-10 pages long, front and back on regular notebook paper.

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