" Shut the fuck up Davontae! Now you sticking up for her ass now?! What y'all doing fucking or some shit?" Ariana asked, face all red.I grabbed onto Ariana,  telling her to calm down. She shook her head. " Fuck him and that bitch. The fuck is he doing hanging out with her- his fucking ex Daejah. When he was suppose to be out with me- his  wife. Huh, he been out here with her all fucking day while Im fucking at the hotel by myself." A single tear fell from her left eye.

Davontae face soften,  as he reached put for Ariana. " Baby it's not what it looks like, I swear. "

" Then what you doing Davontae? What the fuck is you doing?" Ariana asked, removing herself from my arms and started hitting on Davontae chest. " What is it? Mhm?"

" I-I." He stammered , looking at Giovanna who had a smirk on her face.

" Why are you looking at  that bitch for? " Ariana tilted her head, turning up her lip.  " Nawl fuck it. I'm going to the hotel and don't expect my ass to let you sleep with me in bed either. Daejah can you drive me there?"

I nodded as she fished the keys out of her purse. I glared at Davontae and shook my head. 'You dumb ass nigga.' I mouthed.  She handed me the keys then looked at Davontae with disgust. ' You should've told her bubba, this would've never happened.'

He agreed with me, feeling regretful and remorse. He knew he fucked up real bad. 'Talk to her for me Daejah. '

'I'll see what I cou-'

" Yall could stop mouthing words and shit." She interrupted. " Come on Daejah, my feet hurting. " She groaned, walking towards her car.

" Okay."

After starting the car, I buckled up my seat belt before pulling out the parking space. I took one more look at Davontae and Giovanna before shaking my head. He was setting himself up for a problem. Being a secretive and shit, I know Ariana would've understood for the jump. But the part where he  lied and didn't tell her, that's why she's mad about.

Ariana winced in pain as she held onto her stomach. " Ow, ow ow." She hissed softly.

" You okay sis? You want me to go back to the park and get Davo-"

" I'm fine, I'm fine. Fuck him and that bitch Giovanna, I'm fine Daejah. I'm just having a  little pain around this area." She circled around the bottom of her stomach.

I nodded, biting my lip. " Okay, you sure you don't want to go to the hospital? " I asked.

She nodded. " Mhm." She tried to hid the fact that she was worride but she wasn't doing a good job of it because I could see the expression all over her face. " I just need to relax."

" Yeah, I'll get you to the hotel quick. Just relax, inhale then exhale.... you need to bring your blood pressure down girl. "

" I know. This just to much."

" Forreal, I'll  give you some dark chocolate and orange juice."

" Okay." She smiled softy. " You know you got August butt hurt about you hanging out with Marcel. "

" I know." I whined. " I didn't think he was gon' act like that Ariana. "Ariana smacked her lips, while  taking a stick of gum out of my purse.

She pursed her lips. " Nah you know  he still love your ass. Your ass just don't want to admit it. He obviously still want to be with you, because if he didn't, he wouldn't had reacted the way he did. Let him dick you down real good and you'll see what you missing. You gon' be dickmatize on god." She smirked. " Your ass probably got spider webs down there."

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