snuggles | b.c

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ben copper x y/n

requested by LisaRyna

you smirked as you watched the blonde gryffindor boy trying to reach a book from one of the top shelves of the hogwarts library. ben copper was never really the type of person to ask for help due to his awkwardness, therefore despite not being able to reach the book that he wanted, he kept trying.

you shook your head at him and continued to work on the potions essay that was due the next day.

that was until you heard a loud cry coming from where ben was.

your head instantly snapped towards him to see him laying on the floor covered in a pile of books.

"bloody hell ben" you sighed, walking over to help him.

you began to remove the books from his body but he suddenly jumped up.

"y/n!" he gasped, looking startled.

you sighed. being 6'2 tall and a very confident and stereotypical slytherin, you intimidated a lot of people. especially ben. but you wanted him to know that you cared about him and would never do anything to hurt him.

"how'd you get yourself stuck in a pile of books, benny?" you smirked, raising an eyebrow.

he instantly turned bright red, which made you smirk even more.

you were very aware that he liked you.

"i-i don't know" he replied quietly.

"well what book were you trying to get?" you asked him.

"quidditch through the ages" he answered, still blushing.

you slowly nodded, reaching up and grabbing the book with ease.

"thank you" he whispered.

"you're very welcome" you smiled, "i read it last year. it's really informative if you're interested in quidditch"

"oh i love watching quidditch but i could never play" he said.

"why not?"

"i'm just not good enough"

you frowned at him. ben was a bright boy and you were a firm believer that anyone could do anything if they really wanted to.

"i don't think that's true, ben" you sighed, "i think that if you want something, then you should go for it. don't be afraid to get what you want"

after hearing your words, his face turned even redder than before if that was even possible.

you didn't say anything else, but wished him a goodnight and headed back to the slytherin common room.

the next evening, you returned to your usual spot in the library to see that ben was there again. except he wasn't reading a book; he was just sitting there looking as pale as a ghost.

"are you okay?" you asked him, looking concerned.

he was startled again to see you.

"oh w-well um y-yes" he stuttered.

"no you're not" you sighed, "what happened?"

"i have quidditch trials tomorrow" he immediately announced.

your eyes almost popped out of your head at the news.

"WHAT?" you shouted, "ARE YOU BEING SERIOUS?"

"BE QUIET" screamed madam pince, who looked like she was ready to kill.

"sorry" you laughed, giving her a thumbs up.

"it was a stupid thing to do, wasn't it?" ben groaned.

"no, not at all" you told him genuinely, "i just didn't think you would do it because of your anxiety and self doubt, but it's amazing that you've found the courage"

he smiled warmly at you and you smiled back.

"thank you, y/n. i probably wouldn't have signed up if it wasn't for you"

"no, you did this yourself" you smiled.

you leaned back against one of the bookshelves and suddenly felt a leap in your stomach at the sight of him watching you.

"come here" you whispered.

he looked nervous, but slowly crawled towards you. you wrapped your arms around him and pulled him closer so that he was sitting between your legs, but he didn't move.

"i don't bite" you laughed at him.

he blushed again, but then wrapped his arms around your waist and rested against you.

that was the last thing you remembered about that night.

"oh my god" you heard someone say.

you opened your tired eyes and realised that it was now the next morning. rowan standing over both you and ben, who was now also waking up.

"what happened?" asked rowan, smirking at you.

you simply smirked back whilst ben blushed intensely.

"i-i don't know h-how this happened i'm s-sorry" he stuttered, trying to pull away from you.

"aw it's okay ben" you giggled, pulling him back, "i know you like me"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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