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Shiza's PoV

"Ah! finally finish." I slump back to my chair.

I finally finish the new virtual world game I made. Its called 'Kingdoms Magic' A fantasy and modern world with magic and technology alike thats mash up together.

The world has 5 kingdoms. North kingdom, West kingdom, South kingdom, East kingdom and, the last kingdom is a hidden kingdom that was ruled by the goddess of death.

My character Miyumi Blacktear Enchantress she is a extreamly beautiful girl that her beauty can swoon anyone. I didn't add her to the plotline neither her kingdom I was just making it for fun. Enchanted Garden a kingdom of different types of mystical creatures, monsters, demons, angels. Literlly anyone, but one race is not allowed to know this kingdom. Humans.

The kingdom was protected by seven protectors called 'The Seven Sins' they protect this kingdom from any harm. Now I finish explaining I'll take a break.

I look at the clock on my desk and sigh. "*Sigh* maybe I'll send the game tomorrow, for now I deserved a nap." I said happily.

I took a blanket out of the cabinet beside the shelf of few video games I made from the past.

I went back to my chair and wrap myself with my blanket. I closed my eyes floating to dreamland.

As I was about to get sleeping I heard a melodic voice. "I hope you enjoy ruling the world." She chuckled a bit.

I didin't know if its a dream or not I just ignored it and now I was met with darkness in my sleep.


A/N: Hope you enjoyed reading anyways bye-bye Cuties~

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