Bad Day at Black Rock- Part 2

Start from the beginning

It was six in the morning when you got to their place and you sighed, feeling tired but knowing you wouldn't be able to go to sleep anytime soon. Hopefully, they didn't open the box but you wouldn't bet on it. You got out of the Impala and looked at a car that was parked in an alleyway, next to an apartment building. You walked to the back of the car and looked at the plates, nodding in confirmation.

"Connecticut, last three digits are 880," you said, standing up straight and looking at Sam who nodded in affirmation.

"Yep, that's it." Dean walked to the car and he got out three guns and handed one to you and Sam, keeping his gun that he always uses, on him.

"They should've blacked out their plates before they parked in front of the security camera," Sam said with a shake of the head.

"Like I said earlier, they don't know what they're doing. Now, let's get back what is ours." You said, walking to the front of the building with the brothers. You saw someone coming down the stairs of the apartment and you put your gun away, ushering the brothers to do the same. You didn't want to alarm the woman coming down the stairs.

Thank God, she is leaving the building. This building is one where you had to be buzzed in, in order to get inside. You made it look like you were going inside as if you lived there. She didn't see anything out of the ordinary and held the door open for you, being polite.

"Thank you so much." You said with a smile. She nodded and walked out of your view. You shook your head and walked up the stairs, knowing which floor the thieves lived on. You approached their door and could hear groans come from inside as if someone was losing a game or something.

You grasped the door handle and sent a quick thank you that the door was unlocked. You slipped into the apartment with the brothers, your gun trained in front of you. You peeked around the corner and saw a poker game going on, one man with a bandage on his arm who looked like Wayne from his picture online, smiling and gathering money. He must be the one that broke in the unit and got shot.

"I can't lose. I mean really, I - I can't lose!" Wayne said with a smile. He grabbed a furry thing and grinned. "Maybe this thing really works? You know what I'm saying? I'll tell you something, there's no way in Hell we are handing it over to that stuck-up bitch now, not after all we've been through. Let's go, huh? Let's get out of here, let's go have some fun."

"FREEZE, FREEZE! NOBODY MOVE!" Dean yelled as he barged into the room.

"Don't move!" Sam raised his voice but wasn't as loud as Dean. You trained your gun on Wayne who was holding what looked to be an animal's foot.

"What is this?" Wayne asked, throwing the foot on the table.

"He said don't move!" You yelled, making the men freeze in their spots.

"Alright, give us the box and please tell me that you didn't–"

"Oh, they did." You interrupted Dean, seeing the cursed box open on the table. You assumed that what Wayne threw on the table, belonged inside the box. Dean huffed out in frustration and pinned Wayne to the wall.

"You opened it?!" Dean yelled angrily.

"Are you guys cops?" Wayne asked.

"What was in the box?" You asked, ignoring Wayne's question. Wayne looked back at the table and Dean followed his gaze, seeing the animal's foot near the box.

"What is that thing?" Dean asked, momentarily distracted. You gasped when Wayne used Dean's distraction to knock the gun out of his hand. It fell to the floor, causing the gun to fire. Watched as the bullet ricochets off a radiator and hits Sam's gun, causing him to drop his.

You watched as the same bullet ricochets again and heads straight for you. You gasped and ducked right before the bullet flew right past you and into a lamp. Sam heads straights for his gun but there was another man, who you assumed to be Wayne's friend, in the apartment who struggle for Sam's gun.

Wayne's friend pushed Sam into Dean, causing Dean to fall back on the coffee table, sending the animal's foot in the air.

"Sorry!" Sam said before Wayne's friend threw himself at Sam, sending them both to the floor. Wayne goes for Dean's gun and when he picked it up, he aimed it at Sam. You were not going to let Sam or Dean die on your watch. You rushed over to Wayne but Dean got up before you could get to them.

Wayne, seeing this, punches Dean square under the chin which knocks him down again. You gasped and ran at Wayne to get him to stop but Sam yelled something before shoving Wayne's friend off him.

"I got it!" Sam said, holding up the foot. Since you were closer, it looked to be a rabbit's foot.

"No, Sam!" You said but gasped when Wayne cocked Dean's gun in Sam's face. You stayed still, not wanting any kind of movement to cause Wayne to shoot Sam in the face.

"No, you don't," Wayne said, pulling the trigger. You yelled and tried to do something but the gun didn't go off. The gun seemed to be jammed but this was Dean's gun so it never jammed out. Something else was going on here. It had to be the rabbit's foot. It is a cursed object, so it must be having an influence on the situation.

Wayne is clearly panicking and tries to clear the chamber but Dean scrambles to get up so he could stop Wayne. But Wayne freaks out and he backs up, tripping over the rug in the room, falling back until he hit his head just right on the ground which knocked him out.

You, Sam and Dean look at one another, very confused on what just happened. Wayne's friend, however, stands up and with Sam's gun in his hand, points it at Sam.

"No! Sam!" You said, raising your gun so you could shoot at Wayne's friend. You mentally punched yourself for not using your gun earlier since you were the only one who had a gun that worked. As Wayne's friend moved, the books on the bookcase next to him fall over and the books slam into his head, knocking him out cold. Sam's gun flies out of Wayne's friend's hand and Sam caught it easily in his own hand.

"What the hell is going on here?" You asked, confused as to what just happened.

"Is that a rabbit's foot?" Dean asked, getting a good look at the foot in Sam's hand. Sam held up the foot and inspected it, nodding in confirmation.

"I think it is."

"Sam, you idiot, that is a cursed object! Why would you touch it?" You asked, sighing when he shrugged, putting it in his pocket. "Let's just get out of here and figure out what the hell this thing is and what it actually does."

"Agreed." Dean nodded, him and Sam following you out of the apartment.

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