Night of Love

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Reaper groaned as he slowly woke up from having this painful headache. He didn't remember much, if anything, from the night before... Just the feelings.

The God of Death went to sit up, but something tightened it's hold on his waist, moaning in annoyance.

Snapping his head down, the tall skeleton blushed brightly as he looked at the God of Passion... Who was naked!

Gulping lowly, the monster laid back down, only moving his head so he could see if he could find some sort of clues.

He saw the clothes that they picked out for the party scattered around the clearing, he had a massive headache and he could faintly taste bits of alcohol on his tongue... 

'Shit!' He thought as his eyes widen. He didn't need to know what the hell happened exactly, all he knows was that he fucked his crush! Yeah, he was open about it, but he highly doubted that Xasilinta knew! Or even cared for him like that!

Reaper was internally panicking on how the younger God was going to treat him now... For all he knew, he raped the poor guy out of lust and anger! If that was the case, how the hell was he going to live with himself!

"Reaper, go back to sleep..." The normally white wearing God whispered, lightly kissing the other God's shoulder.

Xas felt soreness in his lower regions, though the pain was blissful as he snuggled into the worrying God's chest. He felt safe in his arms; safe, warm and that spark making it all the more.

Taking a deep breath, the older God wrapped his arms lovingly around the smaller, pulling him closer.

Closing his eyes, the God of Death went back to sleep, needing sometime to think about what he did. Maybe even remember a few things...

"Are you sure?" Came the voice of an angel, making me look at them.

It was Xasilinta! 

His eyes were holding worry as he held my hand, stopping me from taking off his boxers. I growled lowly, the sound of fabric ripping filling the quiet area.

He gasped as his dark eyes widen.

I didn't waste my time and just pinned him down, shoving my tongue into his open mouth. I waited for him to fight back, but he didn't. He moaned at my dominance, playing with my tongue as my hands traveled his body.

He moaned more as I harshly gripped one of his bones, my shorts becoming increasingly tighter with every sound he was making.

I trailed my kisses down his neck, brutally biting into the bone, drawing blood. 

"Reaper~" He cried out, his hands instantly wrapping around my neck, pushing my head into his neck more.

I smirked as a chuckle left my lips. I gently sucked on the mark, letting my tongue swipe across it.

I pulled back, pinning his arms above his head as I let myself rub on his hard self. The smirk that I wore only grew as he tilted his back as more of those wonderous moans filled night.

"R-Reaper~" He panted as I just watched. "P-Please!" He whimpered as he gave me puppy dog eyes, begging me to fuck him.

I snickered at him, stopping all movement.

"Awe~ What does my little Night Gladiolus want?" I purred, a chuckle coming from me as he glared.

He growled lowly as he instantly flipped our positions.

"I'm not going down without a fight." His seethed, tearing off my own shorts and boxers.

My eyes widen slightly as I felt him line little me at his entrance(if you could call me little).

"X- H-Hah~" I tried to say, but I was instantly cut off my own moan.

I rolled my head back as pleasure found it's way into my bones. I looked up at my love, my little flower, his dark eyes were filled with pleasure and lust. He didn't want to adjust to my size, he just bounced, moaning my name.

"God damn!" I grunted as I instantly pinned him on his back.

He gasped in shock as I instantly started to pound him into the ground.

"R-Reaper~! F-Fuck~" He groaned, wrapping his legs around me, making me go deeper.

I panted as sweat started to form on our bodies. I could only see his lust filled gaze as I could only hear his enchanting moans. I loved the feeling that fell into my body, my speed increasing, as well as his moans.

"Fuck~! Sili~ You're not going to-fucking Christ!- be walking for- shit!- a month~" I moaned out as best as I could, my mouth instantly licking, biting and sucking his bones. 

The young monster couldn't even respond as he just moaned in pleasure. His moans were the only encouragement that I needed anyway.

I felt myself twitch inside of him as he panted, his eyelights were in hearts at this point. Large, bright hearts that were filled with love and lust, mostly lust.

"I-I'm cl-close~" He grunted out rolling us over so he was on top again.

I only smirked as my hands flew to his hips, forcing him to bounce on my dick quickly, all the while I thrusted up when he came down.

His head fell back as he got into the rhythm of things, the song he was singing growing louder. 

"M-Me t-too." I panted as I  sat up, keeping me inside of him as he stilled in his movement.

We were panting messes and we were in heat. Our bodies were radiating a fire so fucking hot, it might as well be three god damn suns! 

Xasilinta pushed his lips on me once again, his tongue shoving itself into my mouth. A quiet moan escaped as one of my hands went in between us and I grabbed his own dick, making him jump a bit.

"R-Reaper?" The insanely fucking hot monster questioned, making me groan.

I pinned him to the ground again and started to thrust at inhuman speeds while jacking him off.

The God of Passion gasped as his head lolled back, his back arching as he just moaned.

"R-Reaper~ P-Please~ Oh, fuck yes! F-Faster, god please~!" My lover begged, whimpering a bit as he raised himself enough to latch his mouth onto my neck.

My eyes rolled in the back of their sockets as more pleasure coursed through me, making my thrusts brutal. I didn't even feel it when he bit into my bone, not until I felt the cool liquid on my burning bones. Though, the tiny amount of pain just added to the amazing feeling that I felt.

"Damn, Xas~" I purred, tilting my head to the side as I let him leave his mark on my neck. "Didn't know you could feel this good~" I complimented, lightly licking the side of his skull, right where his ear should be. "I-I should've f-fucked- shit~- you mo-months ago~ You re-really be-becoming the -fucking hell~- God of Passion." 

I was rewarded with his skull turning a deep blue shade. I snickered, gently, until I felt the knot in my lower stomach snap.



We came together, our breaths heavy as the heat left us cold, sore, tired, and wanting more. I pulled out, making both of us moan again.

"Damn, Sili..." I whispered, lightly pecking his lips as he cuddled into my chest. "Next time we do this, you're going to be fucking beg for mercy." I growled, getting a seductive giggle.

"Oh, I can't wait~" He nuzzled my chest, some of the flying animals covering us with a giant, soft, rose petal as if it was a blanket.

I chuckled, kissing the top of his head as I finally fell asleep, my body relaxing into nothing else.

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