The Inconveniencing

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Another day fell upon the Pines as the kids worked in the shop, and by kids I mean Malika. Dipper read his book whilst Mabel spun around on a globe. Mal, on the other hand, danced around in a quirky way not even noticing her weird rhythm, as she swept. 

Dipper spoke first breaking the silence slick air. "Mabel, do you believe in ghost?" 

"I believe you're a big dork! Ha ha ha!" She giggled and then went flying off as Dipper halted her with his pencil. 

Stan stormed in the room, "Soos! Wendy!" He yelled.  

Soos came in the store panting slightly out of breath. "What's up, Mr. Pines!"

"I'm headin' out. You two are gonna wash the bathrooms, right?" The elder man asked. 

Whilst Soos was quick to accept the gross task, Wendy was less enthused. "Yes, sir!" "Absolutely not!" They answered in unison. 

"Ha ha! You stay out of trouble!" The Stan replies as Malika watches him leave, him not making any eye contact with her. Honestly, he hadn't spoken to her in a bit. 

"Hey, guys! What's this?" The red-head makes her way to a blue patched curtain and rips it away. "A secret ladder to the roof?"

"Uh, I don't think Mr. Pines would like that," Soos states worriedly.

They continue to make awkward noises at each other that made Malika look up from the broom and narrow her eyes."You're freaking me out, dude!" He yelps. 

Dipper and Mabel stepped next to Mal whilst this was happening, obviously interested. 

"Can we actually go up there?" Dip asked. 

"Sure we can! Roof time! Roof time!"The two started chanting this with Wendy and Mabel grabbed Mal's arm and dragged her with them. When they were up there they came to a 'hang out spot' that Wendy had constructed. 

"Alright, check it out!" She proudly spread one of her arms gesturing it.

"Woah!" They gasped faces stretched into small 'o's'.

"Cool! Did you put all this stuff up here?" Her brother wondered awestruck. 

'Wow, Dipper you're really easy to impress.' Mal thought. 

 "I may or may not sneak up here during work, all the time, every day." she throws a pine cone and it hits a target on a totem pole. "Yes!"

"Cool!"The two older triplets hurry to do the same, Dipper in the process hits a car setting off the alarm, his face turned pink embarrassed whilst Wendy got excited. Explaining it was a 'jackpot' and reaching for a high five.

" ... Don't leave me hangin'." The teen smiled as the boy slapped his palm to hers flushed. Mal observes as he smiles, his pupils dilating slightly as his breath quickens. the youngest sibling immediately knew it was a crush.  "Oh hey, it's my friends!" Wendy notices, her attention being pulled away from the gaggle of siblings. Her friends call her down and Wendy goes to follow but pauses and turns back to the triplets. "Hey, you guys aren't going to tell Stan about this, are you?" She checks. Dipper locks his lips and she mirrors him. "Later dorks!" Wendy yells, sliding down a tree impressively before speeding off. 

"Later Wendy! Heh heh heh! Good times!" Dipper yells to nothing. 

"Uh, oh," Mabel said teasingly. 

He immediately turned defensive under his sibling's knowing looks, "What?" 

She pokes him harshly. "Somebody's in love!"

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