An Explanation

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Hey, if you were a part of this story, and still hold hope after so long, hello. 

I know this hasn't been touched for a while, and I could give some half-assed shitty excuse on why, but here is the deal, I don't have enough energy for that. So here is the real reason, an explanation. 

When this story started I was at a strong point, where my creativity and mental health were at its peak, now, neither is. 

See, this was supposed to be some sort of therapy? I modeled Malika after myself in many aspects of how I grew up, watching as those around me basked in comfort and joy of love an each other's presence. Especially my siblings. 

I just was never a part of that, I didn't think the way they did, act the way they did, hell I didn't feel in the ways they could. So I ended up burning myself out trying to overcompensate, the guilt of not being able to act like the normal child, sister or friend got to me. 

This caused me to end up in a depressed state I couldn't shake. I finally ended up going mute for almost a year. It was a messy dark time. 

It doesn't help I was slowly becoming aware of pheromones, sexuality, romantic love and all that came with it. 

So I soon realized I wasn't a normal girl, that there had to have been something wrong with my chemistry because I didn't react to boys, no, I reacted to females. 

This cause a fight with my sexuality and a few forbidden attractions, enter Bill, this worlds most prohibited love. 

I myself got caught in a toxic relationship with a man who had pushed me to a suicide attempt after I had tried to break up with him and he threatened his own life. 

Now, I am in a bit of a darker place but I am back in therapy (something that had been stopped for almost a year) So I can see a light in the void. 

What does this mean for the story? I think I'll continue it, not updating a lot but still, I'll try. The next chapter is nearing its end so that should be out soon after this. 

Because I have hope for this story. 

Thank you for listening. 

Love, Your Authour. 

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